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WI - Day Lake State Natural Area

Mar 5, 2021
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Thinking of checking this place out but can’t seem to find much info on it.

Limited info on the lake sounds like it might not be the best fishing. Surrounded by state forests so it could have public hunting opportunities.

Two reservable boat-in campsites, part of the regular WI state park system.

Getting bored with my other go-to N. WI spots. Wonder if any members have been here before.
A long time paddling buddy lives near Boulder Junction. This lake is one of a number within NHAL (Northern Highland American Legion St Forest) which are undeveloped. A local naturalist recently published a book detailing the many lakes like this. But please don’t tell anyone. Can’t find my copy now for a photo, here is the title: Wisconsin’s Wild Lakes - A Guide to the Last Undeveloped Natural Lakes by John Bates. $25.00.
I don't know anything about Northern Wisconsin but there are a couple little lakes in north central Minnesota I always enjoy vising that don't have any amenities in terms of boat access. One in particular has a primitive campsite off a gravel road. From the campsite you can pull a canoe, or very lightweight boat, down a hill to the lake. I believe there is one house on the lake and it's not very visible from the lake. I've never seen anyone else on the lake, using the campsite, or even using the "access" to launch a canoe.

The lake itself is nothing special. It's not very big and from the little I've tried the fishing isn't spectacular (tons of little pike) but I haven't tried that hard. But it's pretty and the real charm is knowing I can show up anytime and find that little campsite empty. There is virtually no traffic on that gravel road and there are some trails through the forest on the other side of the road for nice walks. Sometimes I paddle the lake and other times I just use the location as a base for exploring the rest of the area over the weekend.

I have a lot of great memories from that little spot. Probably more, and better, memories than I have from visiting more 'memorable' locations.

If your Wisconsin lake is anything similar I'd say it's worth checking out.

My buddy and I have a couple of our own little secluded spots that nobody seems to know or care about. Like Alan, we can go there and it appears no one has visited since we were last there.They are nothing special but we like them for the solitude.
I’m going to go check this place out for a few days mid/late Sept.

Scouting via satellite image looks like a nice big area of deciduous trees on some public land. Hoping to find a spot I can do some squirrel hunting.
I'm kind of looking at this area as well. My challenge is that the info that I have found so far doesn't have a lot of info on waterflow speed. I'm almost exclusively solo, so I can't do one-way trips - I have to be able to do out-and-back.

One resource that might be worth a look, if you haven't found it already:

Alan, Day lake is a nice place, also has a nice supply of medium sized Musky. You have a terrific area with rivers and lakes to explore. Clam lake area is nice … but so is the Turtle Flambeau Flowage. In fact, there is an area ( name escapes me now, will have it later ) that is designated no wake so as to interfere with paddlers. There are many nice campsites and fishing is not terrible.

Good on ya Alan, northern Wisconsin has a lot to offer.
Just got back from a 3-nighter there.

This place isn’t a closely guarded secret. Think I counted over 10 other paddlers on the weekend. Thought once the weekday hit it would be lonely…nope. Had to be mindful as I’m freshening up in the lake wearing, at least, my skivies. Those quiet kayaks can sneak up on you.

Fishing really sucked. Fished it hard and only caught a few small bass in specific areas. Hoping to find a weed patch with panfish but never did. Had to resort to a freeze dried meal….no fish fry for me.

Last weekend was the ‘fall ride’ so I got serenaded to the roar of straight piped Harleys all night. Figured that would taper off, but no. Where were they going all night? The traffic noise off Hwy 51was pretty loud regardless. Guess the only way to feel like you are in the wilderness is to go further North.

Will I camp here again?…maybe. Ease of access is a bonus. Lake is beautiful but to not catch fish gets old. Really only one decent campsite (and they are inaccurately located on the crude reservation map). I spent a good amount of paddling on the east section looking for site 622. Only to later realize it’s in the west section, shouting distance from the other site, 621. That site is just a 3 minute paddle off the landing area. How do they decide where to put a campsite?