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Just curious after reading about the many fascinating places where so many members on this site live it got me thinking about how people got there?
Did work bring you to an area and you fell in love with it?
Did family emigrate there and you stayed?
Travel around and decided where to call home?
Paddling was great and you stayed?
Thinking I'm a little jealous because my family grew up in New York City and I thought this was the best place in the world. It has many positives (food!), it's just a feeling that I have now that maybe I should have grown up in a more rural area and enjoyed the great outdoors at a younger age. Guess I'm getting tired of having to drive 300 miles to go paddling and camping. Wife giving me a tough time discussing a move up north in a few years. Oh and the beard idea just isn't a discussion she said. Health and happiness.
Just curious after reading about the many fascinating places where so many members on this site live it got me thinking about how people got there?
Did work bring you to an area and you fell in love with it?
Did family emigrate there and you stayed?
Travel around and decided where to call home?
Paddling was great and you stayed?
Thinking I'm a little jealous because my family grew up in New York City and I thought this was the best place in the world. It has many positives (food!), it's just a feeling that I have now that maybe I should have grown up in a more rural area and enjoyed the great outdoors at a younger age. Guess I'm getting tired of having to drive 300 miles to go paddling and camping. Wife giving me a tough time discussing a move up north in a few years. Oh and the beard idea just isn't a discussion she said. Health and happiness.