• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Why Are You Here?

Why am I here?

That's a fair question. I, generally speaking, am not a social person.

I have, however, met a few friends and tripped with them, on other sites. Let me put it another way... I like board games. Very complex board games, the kind that take an entire weekend to play. It's difficult to find people who share the same passion. I like board games - but hardcore board games. Likewise, I like the wilderness - but hardcore wilderness. I hope that makes sense (born and raised in the GTA, if that matters).

I'm here because this is a great site, run by a great man (who has the time to run it), and I hope to meet folks who love the beauty that "God" has provided us as much as I do.
My desire to learn is never ending. The information gathered here on this page may well help me win at Jeopardy, save my life Savings, and more than likely myself.

Thanks to one and all. :)
I am here because I found you by chance in the big WWW.
Since I bought an OldTown Discovery 146k last year in November and am now in the process of equipping this ...
generaly looking for a "spray deck" and / or how to make one, I came across this forum.
And since then I've been reading the wonderful posts for days and am excited about the things the people here make !

Absolutely fantastic!

I love to be here and marvel.
I’m constantly, and endlessly thinking about canoeing. The stories from everyone on here. The maintenance and diy tasks. The jokes and kindness from everyone. You can tell it’s a community on here, from the oldest members to the newest members. From the most skilled to the brand new guy or girl.

This site and the people on here keep me coming back for the information and the conversations. Even if I don’t chime in
I think CT coming up in a search first got me here, but it's the member, their knowledge, experience, kindness and willingness to share that keeps bringing me back. Cefinitely my favorite of all the forums I'm on.
I found the site, I think from a post on another forum where Yellow Canoe mentioned the site. I like all the different subjects covered.
I managed by this site by accident, trying to find information on composite canoe building and repairs. I am new to the building aspect and have learned quite a bit from the discussions, and there is a whole lot more learning left in me. A vast amount of experience on this site.
New member with first post here. Researching river fishing opportunities where I live in the Eastern Michigan U.P. led me to a couple of youtube canoe camping videos, which sparked a flame. I've been a sit on top kayak guy for about 10 years, but it is not a platform for overnight trips and camping. Rather than dive in blind, what better place to learn about canoes, equipment and safety than a canoe tripping forum. I've been a backpacker and wilderness camper for 40 years but canoes are new. Hoping to venture before I'm too old and beat up to enjoy what is around me.
New member with first post here.
Welcome to the fire little guy. I tend to be curious (and, at times, a bit obtuse about certain social norms) so, may I be so bold as to request another post in the explain your screen name thread?

Seriously, lots of good folks here and, as Yellowcanoe said somewhat recently, yaks are the gateway drug to the canoe world. Enjoy.