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What oil to use on a bare paddle shaft?

California bans the sale of several high VOC products, including turpentine, mineral spirits/paint thinners and other solvents.
Also apparently denatured alcohol, which is a problem for those who prefer alcohol burning camp stoves. I am given to understand that they are now limited to 91% isopropyl alcohol, which does work but is less efficient and creates more smoke and soot.
California bans the sale of several high VOC products, including turpentine, mineral spirits/paint thinners and other solvents.
So do people and/or businesses that need these products have to go out of state to buy them?
I mixed up a batch of spar varnish, turpentine, and BLO. No success finding pure tung oil or hempseed oil (jeepers that stuff is expensive). The resultant mixture is pretty muddy looking, owing to the varnish. So before I put it on a paddle I’m using it on my “Home Depole” poling pole that I finished assembling a couple months ago. I need to disassemble the ends and soak them in the mixture, then reassemble to keep the ends from rotting out.

I find it odd the instructions on the turp can say not to mix it. Hmmm…


For those not in the know, this equal parts mixture is pretty thin. My closet pole is pretty thirsty, so I’ve already wiped it down twice so far. And my is that a heady aroma. My 6yo son asked me why the garage smells like fatwood 😁
I mixed up a batch of spar varnish, turpentine, and BLO. No success finding pure tung oil or hempseed oil (jeepers that stuff is expensive). The resultant mixture is pretty muddy looking, owing to the varnish. So before I put it on a paddle I’m using it on my “Home Depole” poling pole that I finished assembling a couple months ago. I need to disassemble the ends and soak them in the mixture, then reassemble to keep the ends from rotting out.

I find it odd the instructions on the turp can say not to mix it. Hmmm…
For those not in the know, this equal parts mixture is pretty thin. My closet pole is pretty thirsty, so I’ve already wiped it down twice so far. And my is that a heady aroma. My 6yo son asked me why the garage smells like fatwood 😁
I have a ~10 year old Home Depole treated periodically with BLO/turp, and it's been holding up well despite general neglect (I have a place for it that isn't on the ground, but sometimes it falls on the ground). It has darkened quite a bit, but still has good hand feel. I'm definitely curious about fancy oils for things that are prettier than a closet rod.

Pssst. Wanna buy some solvents?
Dude, where can I score some Freon?
I know you're past that point but another option is to wet sand the varnished shaft with 600 or 1500 grit sandpaper. It's a much better feel than a glossy shaft, which I also dislike.

Wet sand with water? Oil of some kind? How much liquid? Or just use wet/dry sand paper?
Wet sand with water? Oil of some kind? How much liquid? Or just use wet/dry sand paper?

Wet/dry sandpaper with water should do the trick. I don't think there is anything particularly special about wet vs. dry sanding but the liquid seems to help keep the paper from clogging up and wearing out so quickly with really fine grits. And on larger projects it eliminates the dust.

I have been using Watco oil for 50 years. Tung oil is even better.

In Nevada everything dries out. Wood gets preserved and lasts a really long time stored out of sunlight with oil in the wood. Leather gets Lexol or the equivalent for the same reason.