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What do you drink on a trip?

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I pumped "fresh" luke warm water through our filter while they splayed out in the tall grass for a well deserved rest. I tasted the water and it didn't taste bad, but it was not refreshing, warm water never is so it was decided to add Tang orange crystals to the water bottles and give them a shake. Rehydrating became a force feeding exercise. We passed the warm orange drink around with one eye on the next leg of the days journey and the other on the approaching storm. I've never tasted anything so disgustingly welcome as that warm Tang, all several litres of it.

Freaking Tang, I disgustedly chugged down my share years ago. I still haven’t found a water flavoring, concentrate or powder, that I really like. Every one I have tried seems too chemically favored after taste.

I have no doubt that the salt/sugar/potassium OER stuff has a place, and carry a little electrolyte just in case, but on the whole I’d prefer to chug some straight, cold, filtered water when it’s not beer or coffee time.

Many moons ago the camp nightcap was “Koolka”; orange Kool-aid heavily spiked with overproof vodka. I never want to do that again. Gimme a rationed flask of good bourbon instead.

An elder friend would bring bottles of Ensure nutrition shakes as his a late night, after his bedtime, sit and sip. I am approaching the age and late night energy where I may have to give that a try.

What do you drink on a trip?
Water and hot chocolate or tea.

The hot chocolate is mixed at home with whole fat milk powder and less than normal levels of sugar.

Water, coffee, hot chocolate, wine, scotch. In that order as per Mem.
Platypus make wonderful plastic collapsible vacuum flasks, one that take a whole bottle of wine. And a smaller one for half a bottle of scotch ( for the wife).
As much as i'd like to take beer- I'm not carrying any more weight than I need to on potages. I'll be danged if I'm packing out any empty cans.

Coffee in the morning, followed by sips of lemon water all day (filtered water with fresh slices of lemon), and at bedtime whichever I'm in the mood for, either a hot tea (It can be really refreshing any time of day. Always black.), a hot cocoa (cocoa powder + milk powder + a tiny amount of brown sugar + a dribble of hot water mixed to a slurry, then more hot water to make the final slightly bitter rich drink. Hot chocolate is far too sweet for me.), or a wee dram of whichever Uisge Beatha is slumbering at home in the cupboard.
re: mood at bedtime.
On hot summer evenings I like a cuppa. The strong tea tannin sears me body and soul, and roots my feet into that good earth. The Chinese were on to a good thing.
On crisp autumn evenings I like a mug of cocoa, slightly sweet, slightly bitter, always satisfying. It awakens my senses and makes them sing, especially with a dash of chili. The Mayans were on to a good thing. https://www.worldofchillies.com/offs...e-history.html
On other evenings when I wish to sit and listen to the nightime world I tipple some Irish or Scotch into a glass to help me along. Always sipped from a heavy green glass packed especially for these nights. I never measure, that would be stingy, and I never over imbibe, that would be wasteful. Those monks were on to a good thing. https://www.bottleneckmgmt.com/blog/...tory-timeline/
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Swift River Coffee in the AM.. Water during the day.. Sometimes cup o soup before supper but the varieties of that have shrunk!
Portage trips tea after dinner . Non Portage trips fine box wine.

I like carrying cocoa too and some ground good chili sounds wonderful... And it is good in beer too! Though we don't bring beer..
Our favorite beer https://prairieales.com/bomb/

watch it though.. not a session beer.
Freaking Tang, I disgustedly chugged down my share years ago.
What do you drink on a trip?

As a young child, I wanted to be an astronaut. I stirred the orange powder into a glass of water at every meal, believing Tang was the only acceptable spaceman beverage. I weaned myself off the Tang tit in the early 70's, at the end of the Apollo program, when it became clear that NASA would not come calling. I continued however, to portion small packets of the powder into my backpacking meals. Journeys into the wilderness were my substitute for the space voyage that would never be.
Today, with the occasional exception of beer, I am exclusively a water drinker. On my Adirondack trips, tannins will sometimes have me longing for the Tang days of yore. To mask the flavor of the Adirondack pond water I carry packets of True Lemon.
Each packet contains .8 grams of crystallized lemon and is supposed to equal the flavor of one lemon wedge. I find one packet per pint of beaver piss to be very palatable. They also come in Orange, Lime and Grapefruit.
I'm mostly a day tripper and overnighter guy. I drink water, good coffee and fresh green tea.

If you want to make water more special one thing you can do is bring along some real juice and just add a little to your water. My favorite is Welch's grape juice. Even highly diluted it makes a very nice drink...it's my staple for everyday hydration at home. Another option is to bring a couple lemons and put real lemon wedges in your water but I don't know if it passes the beaver piss test.
When tripping in the ADKs, I enjoy the different flavors in the water from different lakes and rivers-no 2 quite the same.
For tripping, filtered water with various flavors of Crystal Light-the individual 2 quart packets taste perfect in 1.5 liters of water.
For day trips, Yeti bottles with ice water-a real treat.
Cowboy coffee, filtered water, tea (esp if rainy), then at the appropriate hour, rum or whisk{e}y. Sometimes box wine, but usually I like to travel lighter than that. Why portage anything under 80 proof?
To mask the flavor of the Adirondack pond water I carry packets of True Lemon.
Each packet contains .8 grams of crystallized lemon and is supposed to equal the flavor of one lemon wedge. I find one packet per pint of beaver piss to be very palatable. They also come in Orange, Lime and Grapefruit.

Going to give those True Lemon packets a try. Had never heard of them, but found that they are available locally.
Thanks Conk.
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black coffee in the am, water or 50/50 water/gatorade when its hot through the day, shot or two of aged whiskey after dinner around the fire and a water chaser before bed. Will take some beer on occasion but in our typical Fl climes that means a bigger cooler, more ice than I would need otherwise and more packed waste on the way back. Generally more trouble than its worth to me. I usually have a few green or black tea bags packed away too, but don't drink it very often. Dad started me on coffee since I was about 10 or so to get me up early to fish and hunt and been that way ever since.
Good coffee in the morning, tea and water the rest of the day, sometime wine or a dram of scotch at night...
Black coffee morning & night and water all day. I have taken Mio packs for a change of pace or to offset foul tasting water (and I'm eager to try the electrolyte version). I do not mix it nearly as strong as the bottle says (I may have a problem with following directions) and that little 2 ounce bottle could likely flavor 2 or 3 5 gallon buckets. We've come a long way since Tang.