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What did Calvin Rutstrum say about the 18 ft Grumman canoe?

Jun 10, 2013
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A ways back I read some of Calvin Rutstrum's books, and as I remember he thought the 18 ft Grumman canoe was superior to the more common 17 ft model.
I brought a gently beaten 18 footer home last night, and can't find the milk crate with Rutstrum's books.
Anyone here familiar with his thoughts on the bigger Grumman?
Thanks, Woody
I paddle big boats, 18 and 20 feet, and I think Rutstrum is right when comparing boats of similar materials and weight. When you throw light weight compost boats into the mix I don't think it holds true. I have found that my 17' 40lb boat takes less energy than either of my approximately 90lb. big boats.
The longer Grumman canoes overcome some of the short comings of molding aluminum into complex shapes. They have full ends which makes them slow, but length helps. They are buoyant in going over waves especially compared to canoes like a Sawyer Cruiser which slices through waves. They do not have much secondary stability due to the flat bottom but hauling a load settles them down.

Al consider adding Wetlander on your canoe below the waterline to help it slip over rocks.

In the early edition of Cliff Jacob's book "Canoeing Wild Rivers" several famous canoe trippers talk about their preference for the big old Grummans. They can spend the winter in a snow bank all winter and it does not hurt them. They can carry a load.

As recently as 1985 you could go to any livery in BWCA and rent a 17 foot Grumman. We portaged them all over the place.
I though he said that the 18 ft has a rounder bottom than the smaller boats. I'll get a 17ft with a lake keel next to this one to compare. This particular 18 ft Grumman lived on a farm pond, and in later years spent time filled with water as a frog pond, so the bottom had a bit of hog. I did a little unscientific adjustment by supporting the ends and jumping up and down on a 2x4 that spanned 2 ribs. The keel looks straight now, and I'll hold off on further adjustment till I can fine tune with a piece of string, and find the body work tools.