The pool level was raised at least twice (and perhaps a few more times in between). The original dam(s) were surely for holding back water to aid in the log drives. The old dam was at the foot of Chesuncook proper (before Ripogenus lake) and can be seen at extreme low water. From memory, Thoreau talks about trees killed from inundation and describes a shoreline consistent with a dam, so the original dam was i place before the mid-19th century. However, this dam was small and didn't create the lake as we know it today. (Witness the lack of Gero Island, Umbazooksis Lake, etc.on Hubbard's map above.) The current size of the lake was defined by the Ripogenus dam, completed around 1920 and converted to produce power not long after that.
I've been interested to see Rocky RIps and Pine Stream falls for years. Some of the historic travelogs mention them including Thoreau (
The Maine Woods), Steele (
Canoe and Camera), Stanton, and Hubbard. You also see them mentioned in many of the old guide books (e.g. Hubbard and early Bangor & Arrostook Railroad guides). You can find many on The conditions that expose Rocky Rips and Pine Stream falls have more to do with the amount of water held back by Rip Dam rather than Seboomook Dam. Though these things are often closely correlated on dry years.