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Week long tripping saw?

My preference is a bow saw, I think every time I have taken a folding pruning saw it has broken on the first trip, 3 times was enough. I too like the bow saw because of how it cuts and what you can cut. I have a collapsible one as I don't mind a little assembly in the field.
I have recently picked up a folding bow saw. Although I haven't yet had the opportunity to try it out but hope to field test it in a few weeks.
The Agawa saw is just a copy of the Bob saw, and the town point of the Agawa saw is the frame, that tapered forward, so it limits the size of log you can cut.
Look like a good saw, but I went with a Bob, the original, not a copy.
Depending on how much portaging there is (and really, it's more the lengths of the portages, to me), I carry either a full sized 32" bow saw, a 24" wooden take-down bucksaw, or a folding saw. I have 3 of the latter; a Fiskars (it's a pull saw, and I don't like it much, but it's the lightest of the 3), a slightly heavier Bahco Laplander, and a slightly heavier than that Silky Big Boy. They're not much good on anything over about 5" thick. The Silky is the sharpest of the 3, and a dream to use.

I also have a triangular Sven Saw that i don't like very much... just not much depth due to the shape. I'd rather have one of the folders.

Hope that helps.
That Agawa Boreal21 looks very interesting. Like the Bob Destrude saw but everything is one piece. Yes it does not cut the same depth of wood as the Bob saw but to be honest I don't ever want to cut a 9" log with a hand tool. The little bolt that holds it together looks like a weak spot as well and I wish the handle was wood like the the Bob Destrude saw. No online reviews for that one other than an investor.