I was browsing possible float bag purveyors and came across Tribal Bags, a British outfit that ships overseas. They make good-looking custom bags similar, it appears, to Fall Line in quality. While scanning their Facebook page for inspiration, I saw the following photo and it made me wonder why this isn't more common.
Webbing Lacing
ETA second view of this boat:
Canoe with Webbing Lacing
I've tried to think of potential issues using webbing as float bag lacing, and the only one I can think of is added weight, but that seems like it would be offset somewhat by the fewer number of pad eyes (or p clips or whatever) needed for retention since the webbing is larger. Thinking further, the webbing could be accompanied by a D ring like the ones below glued/screwed to the bottom of the inwale.
D Ring
Cost is a consideration as webbing is more expensive than accessory cord, but it's not a significant expense. Beyond that, I'm struggling to see the negatives here.
Help me think of the downside of such a system before I commit.

Webbing Lacing
ETA second view of this boat:

Canoe with Webbing Lacing
I've tried to think of potential issues using webbing as float bag lacing, and the only one I can think of is added weight, but that seems like it would be offset somewhat by the fewer number of pad eyes (or p clips or whatever) needed for retention since the webbing is larger. Thinking further, the webbing could be accompanied by a D ring like the ones below glued/screwed to the bottom of the inwale.
D Ring
Cost is a consideration as webbing is more expensive than accessory cord, but it's not a significant expense. Beyond that, I'm struggling to see the negatives here.
Help me think of the downside of such a system before I commit.
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