Well! It is good to see all of the smiling faces again, at least I imagine they're smiling while I lurk about.
Accessing this site while working doesn't leave time to participate though the desire is there. I hope to develop an alternate retirement program to allow more time to participate and share with all of you wonderful folk, currently that plan consists of my cold dead forehead impacting this keyboard, sadly, as you can see, that isn't a good plan at all.
This is a wonderful gathering, a bit of sunshine in an otherwise dreary workday. I hope you stay around for a bit.
As in the past, I will gladly help with the upkeep.
All the best,
Accessing this site while working doesn't leave time to participate though the desire is there. I hope to develop an alternate retirement program to allow more time to participate and share with all of you wonderful folk, currently that plan consists of my cold dead forehead impacting this keyboard, sadly, as you can see, that isn't a good plan at all.
This is a wonderful gathering, a bit of sunshine in an otherwise dreary workday. I hope you stay around for a bit.
As in the past, I will gladly help with the upkeep.
All the best,