• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

We are back

Well! It is good to see all of the smiling faces again, at least I imagine they're smiling while I lurk about.

Accessing this site while working doesn't leave time to participate though the desire is there. I hope to develop an alternate retirement program to allow more time to participate and share with all of you wonderful folk, currently that plan consists of my cold dead forehead impacting this keyboard, sadly, as you can see, that isn't a good plan at all.

This is a wonderful gathering, a bit of sunshine in an otherwise dreary workday. I hope you stay around for a bit.

As in the past, I will gladly help with the upkeep.

All the best,

Thanks Robin for all your effort. Just got the e-mail today, glad to see this site back up and running. Left for vacation a couple of weeks ago and everything was ok, only to come back to no canoetripping.
Third, I'm glad you guys didn't give in. On that note I think I missed my calling in life - IT, what a great business. People trash other peoples servers and sites for free and you get paid to fix them!

Back when I worked for a car dealership, we had a contractor who used to come by a couple days a week and massage door dings out of the cars for us (it was a tight lot, and customers would frequently just throw the door open after a test ride and hit the car next to them). We used to accuse him of hitting golf balls into the dealership from the empty lot across the street when business got slow...
Thanks for the e-mail, Robin, which I did receive! I actually haven't been to the site in quite a while, and didn't even know it was up and running even before the latest glitch. Now that I know the site is around again, I'll try to visit a little more frequently. Boy, I hope this site isn't blocked by my work IT people...that would suck. I might have to come up with some imaginative BS to justify the site as work-related.

When you abruptly closed down the site, you were protecting canoeing.net as well as the members. I appreciate that Robin. I’m also grateful it’s up and running again. Many, many thanks.
I’m pretty sure we have PayPal. A fundraiser would be good.
Count me in.
Whew, laying here with a bad back this morning, and just tried the address for giggles, and presto, it's back! Thanks for making my day better!