My Katadyn gravity filter packed in on day 2 of our much anticipated trip. I'm seriously considering bringing along a pump as a back up from now on. Standing on the shore of a reedy loon crapty river doesn't inspire confidence in dipping a pail for boiling/rehydrating dinner.
On trips where weight is not an issue (read 90 percent of what I paddle) I bring a back up filter, usually a pump filter as well as a gravity filter, giving me different strokes for different sources.
And a couple of weightless coffee filters to use as pre-filters. And a brown bottle of saturated iodine crystals with an eye dropper cap as a back up to the back up.
That is admittedly a belt, suspenders and elastic waist band approach, but I have run short of potable water on four occasions (three desert, one tidal) and never want to go there again.
I rarely use boiled water, even for simple meal rehydration. I try to maintain ample filtered water; a couple of canteens and in-camp a dromedary bag, either carried in on tidal trips or filtered and refilled from some source along the way.
Of course many of my preferred paddle places are either tidal, heavily silted or suspect of upstream run off from agriculture or industry, and I’m not keen on using dip and boil water from pig farm or chicken house run off for meal prep. See also any upstream agricultural practices dependant on pesticides or herbicides.
Or antiquated sewage treatment facilities, chemical industry, fish with three eyes and vestigial legs….I am mid-Atlantic megalopolis; those conditions are far too common.
Nice clean lake or river water, where the only hazard is Giardia, is a different story. But even then the recommended boil time can a drain on fuel supplies. I have had Giardia (poor practices on the North Fork Shoshone), and while it is an excellent mal-abortion weight loss program, once was enough.
I can be a water worrier, especially on trips where a good, filterable water source is uncommon. I get anxious about reaching a known source of filterable water when I get down close to just the two canteens. The two big Kleen Kanteens hold 80oz of water, which would see me through a day, but that margin is cutting it close.
Given the choice between another bout of Giardia, growing a third eye or going thirsty I pick none of the above