• Happy Birthday, Secretariat (1970-89)! 👑👑👑

Wannigan / Grub box

This is my wannigan that I built last month. I don't encounter long portages where I paddle so a tumpline can wait.


I like that checkerboard for a windbound days with like minded friends.

I have to ask, did you make your own checker set? Plastic checkers on that wannigan just wouldn’t seem right. Maybe slices of hardwood dowel stained red and black.
Maybe whittled chess pieces for a wannigan chess set? King and Queen would be canoe trippers, and animals would find their places on the board; otters, beavers, wolves and moose. Rooks would be tents, naturally.
Nice grub boxes everyone. Regardless whether they remain so, or are repurposed as tool chests they're all impressive.
Mike, you're a tad too slow to my liking. I coulda used your fool the wife trick last weekend. While my missus was away I repainted two rooms, top to bottom. We liked the colours so much I repainted them the same 2 colours. If you'd posted a week earlier you could've saved me a lot of work.
I like that checkerboard for a windbound days with like minded friends.

I have to ask, did you make your own checker set? Plastic checkers on that wannigan just wouldn’t seem right. Maybe slices of hardwood dowel stained red and black.

The wife has a decorative checker board set with some small wooden checkers that i'll likely steal for canoe trips. My kids are more apt to play chess than checkers so i'll have to bring a cheap set for that too.
My first exposure to a wannigan was on an Algonquin trip with my scout troop. We met some young college kids portaging one among other stuff for an older couple and encountered them that night having a glass of wine in crystal glasses in their campsite.
Yes they also had a white tablecloth on the wannigan and a candle in a holder and sat in chairs. Their college boy guides did all the carrying and run all the portages even carrying the canoes. My boys were humbled.