I always appreciate all the support the members give, very humbling. If you look at the bottom of the home page under whats going on it shows something like 95 users on line, 18 members, 75 guests. I probably should know this, but I think those 75 guests are playing hell with our usage quota. I would like to get back to a smaller monthly hosting fee, it was $14 but had to be increased to $85 a month because we kept going over quota. I really think having so many hits by guests creates unnecessary traffic.
On another note, we where coming up on 960 members last week and I was thinking about some sort of event to celebrate 1000 members. Then some issues got me all turned around, so I said Fudge it, I deleted anyone who hadn't logged in in 3 years, something like 200 members. Some big names too, but they had their chance, and it makes me feel good. 770 members now.
To keep the site secure, I take the time to vet each new member, as most everyone here knows. Of the last 21 new members, only 1 has posted. Many never even log in again. This makes me believe that if I cut off the google searches the site will pretty much remain the same. I think the only ones who be effected is canoe manufacturers to a small degree. Since they don't make Chestnut Chums anymore, I'm not too concerned (small shot at humor)