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Unfulfilled Tripping Dreams?

Once in a lifetime opportunity to paddle in Death Valley National Park. Right now - don't wait!
My wife and I were there maybe 10 years ago now, and we could have then, after some serious rain they'd had. We figured if we pussled the canoe off the truck that we'd get hassled for it in some way, so didn't bother. Another time in 1998 we could have done so also, but didn't have a boat with us that trip. Not really a once in a lifetime possibility, but admittedly still fairly rare.
Peregrin8or: Welcome to the forum.

I've always felt that every trip report posted helps add to our bucket lists as well as planning the logistics of the trip should anyone else decide to do it (plus they're fun to read in the winter). I hope you get a couple of those trips in and I'll look forward to the possible TR.
My wife and I were there maybe 10 years ago now, and we could have then, after some serious rain they'd had. We figured if we pussled the canoe off the truck that we'd get hassled for it in some way, so didn't bother. Another time in 1998 we could have done so also, but didn't have a boat with us that trip. Not really a once in a lifetime possibility, but admittedly still fairly rare.
Just read that they are speculating it will become permanent.
I’m still recovering from back and shoulder surgery. The thing I notice is my lack of stamina compared to just a few years ago. I’m still hoping to transition back into portaging 5 or 6 times a day, but it often feels like a pipe dream. I got totally worn out and needed a nap after a 2.5 mi hike today. Don’t know how my shoulders will ever support a portage pack again. I may try a short paddle only trip to BWCA in May, see how that goes. Maybe one or two lakes in during the summer. Doc said I should be able to flip my UL canoe in mid-May. Glad there’s a few young folks here now to take up the mantle.
I put a small inflatable boat on the playa at Badwater in DV around 1994. I was out a mile and a half or so from the parking lot. There was no one around. It was surreal for sure. Very calm and only about 2 feet deep. I have visited Death Valley many times as in maybe 15 or so trips. Backpacking there is rewarding but it requires carrying water. I like Feb or early March. We camp in the middle of nowhere and sleep on cots with no tent and watch the stars. Visits from wild donkeys and coyotes and lots of military jets.
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