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Trip Report from Australia - pics & vid

Sep 7, 2014
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Lepmeister said . . .
A great mate named Fraser and I headed off for a 4 night canoe trip last week. The wind had us needing to change our route at the last minute which didn't impact the trip that much but sure did add to the effort required to get around. The two lakes are smallish in size and are a part of the Myall Lakes area in NSW about 3 hours drive north of Sydney. Day / Night 1. Our first leg was a short paddle heading north on Two Mile Lake with the wind at out backs from Korsemans landing the sunnyside campsite. The campsite was set back from the lakes edge but was still open to the winds that gusting to 25kph so we needed to use the canoes as a wind break. Over the past few weeks I had made a modification to some PUP tents or Half shelters as they can be called. This allows the side of the tent to open and makes for a great sized tent that was very wind prove and allows a nice porch setup. Day / Night 2. An early start to the day knowing we had was work ahead. The plan is to paddle East and into Boolambayte lake then South to Johnsons campsite. The wind was still blowing hard and as we rounded pigeon point the White caps told us we were in full a fight. We paddled for three hours to cover the 4 KMs heading south. Once at the southern edge of the lake we mid the extra trip accross to the eastern side where we had heard that there was a track that linked the two lakes, as we had packed for a 'non portage' trip, it was unlikly that we would take it up but we wanted to check it out just in case the wind turned around tomorrow. We were in our hammocks for this night after a beer, a nice meal and glass of red. Day / Night 3. This day would be are longest paddle by distance but was nothing really long only about 8kms. We woke to a great view North up the lake with the heavy skies adding to the feel. We were on the water early with the wind forecast seeing it turn to a northerly mid morning, which would work out great for path. As we round pigeon point again the conditions cleared and we had some nice sun the enjoy. The clear sky was encouraging as our final campsite ( Freashwater ) had a great view west over the water for a great sunset. We were camp by midday and didn't do much but enjoy being outdoors and each other company for the afternoon. I had been thinking of using my canoe as a shelter for some time so that was my setup for the final night. The sunset didn't disappoint. Day 4. We woke to very still conditions and whilst the paddle back to the cars was only short we couldn't leave without going on a round trip back with the water being so calm. A very enjoyable trip, thanks for looking.

That sounds like a great trip Lepmeister, and great pics and vid as well. It's too bad that embedding videos seems to make threads unviewable without logging out.

If anybody else wants to see the trip they can see the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XPRlSVAYkY

If anybody else has been told they can't see the original thread and wants to see the pics as well, try http://www.canoetripping.net/forums/member/1164-lepmeister/media
That was a nice trip Lepmeister. Those campfire, or half tents as you call them, look like an enjoyable way to spend the night. Thanks for taking us along.
Many thanks Seuss for figuring out the posting.
Thanks for reposting Seuss, seems to be a new issue as I have posted pics and vids in the past? It also played with the formate.
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That was a nice trip Lepmeister. Those campfire, or half tents as you call them, look like an enjoyable way to spend the night.

Cheers, the tents are US army pup tents or half shelters (as one solder would carry one half and another the other, they snap lock together on the ridgeline) with the doors being at the ends.


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I see you guys took a variety of sleeping structures, tents and hammocks. Were you testing and trying them out? What were your thoughts on the different set ups? Which was best for the windy days? Did you have any issues with heat? I'm on the other side of the world, so I'm not too sure about your weather etc. Thanks for including that map as well. It really helps to visualize a trip.
I see an epic thread arising from this - kangaroo defence thread! HIgh powered rifle or boomerang? Do kangaroos give you any grief when camping out?
Thanks for the TR. Good job with the tent mods. For wet weather, would you lower the front flap so water does not drain back into the seam between the two halves? Odd to see no hats in Australia for sun protection and no life jackets.
I see you guys took a variety of sleeping structures, tents and hammocks. Were you testing and trying them out? What were your thoughts on the different set ups? Which was best for the windy days? Did you have any issues with heat? I'm on the other side of the world, so I'm not too sure about your weather etc. Thanks for including that map as well. It really helps to visualize a trip.

Hi mate, yeah the tent mods were new so they were testing, hammocks are our normal gear and the canoe shelter was just for fun.
Pup tent was great in the wind and created still air inside the tent, I used my Exped LW Matt so comfort was great. The hammock setup was my summer set but using my winter tarp for some extra wind protection, the blackbird hammock is very comfortable :-)

Temps were mild compaired to last years pre christmas multi nighter. Max temp was 25'c whereas last year we had high 30's

Thoughts on shelters.... I love anything that has a "room with a view feel" that's why the hammock has been my go to for a while. In fact I've only just the last 6 months started making my own tents and going to ground, this pup tent and the baker tent I made are the best ground set ups for the view reason... And the complete wind protection.
I see an epic thread arising from this - kangaroo defence thread! HIgh powered rifle or boomerang? Do kangaroos give you any grief when camping out?

Haha slingshot is what I had on hand :-)...

They don't give you any problems, they stop and have a look before moving on.

Water monitors and possums are the most likly to come through camp of an evening.
Thanks for the TR. Good job with the tent mods. For wet weather, would you lower the front flap so water does not drain back into the seam between the two halves? Odd to see no hats in Australia for sun protection and no life jackets.

We spoke of that once we had set them up for the first time and yes your right. I was even thinking of putting another flap ( like the ones at the bottom ) mid way down the zip so it can be set at a mid height... Rain run off sorted and you still get a view :-)

My fair white skin from winter didn't go to well after not wearing my hat on day two. The wind made it feel cool, but I was a nice shade of pink after it. Life jacket wise, I had mine in the back of the canoe 'not going to do you much good there' I hear you say and I should wear it more often. I seem to put it on during "dangerous" parts, like when crossing the larger lake in the wind I put it on but I guess being a strong swimmer don't use it as I should.
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Great job modifying those pup tents! That alone could resurrect the use of pup tents again.

Cheers Dave, they are great once the zipper mod is done for canoe or car camping.. Very bushcrafty!
Brilliant report. Really liked your mod to the pup tent to create that awning. Very tempted to hit a military surplus store and try this out.