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Too many boats

I love it.

16 on the racks right now. Down from a high of, er, lets just say twentysome.

14 solos and 2 tandems. The tandems are dang near vestal virgin rack queens. I really need to sell one or both, we do not even use them as loaners these days.
Sooooo, ten sounds pretty reasonable then, right?
Something's wrong--I have only four (and a kayak), and no one's around to tell me not to buy more. I guess if I were in canoe country I'd have a problem.
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Too many boats? That's the same kind of false reasoning as too many tents or too many backpacks or too many camp stoves or... . Cleaning cloths--now there's something that someone could have too many of.
Think Golf, If you're going to go out with the family and play a little recreational Putt Putt you don't need much of a canoe and you can even rent one. If you want to go to the Driving range a couple times a year there are a lot of canoes that will do and you can still rent for those occasional trips. But if you're going to play with the big boys and play any course, you need a bag full of hand selected clubs. Big Drivers for lakes and rivers, as the fairway turns or you get into the rough you need a more maneuverable canoe, and when you have Hazards you need to get around you need a canoe with more rocker. Then you get to the Green, things slow down you need to get a close look at the subtleness shot.

Any Course, Any Where, there aren't enough canoe's out there.
Think Golf, If you're going to go out with the family and play a little recreational Putt Putt you don't need much of a canoe and you can even rent one. If you want to go to the Driving range a couple times a year there are a lot of canoes that will do and you can still rent for those occasional trips. But if you're going to play with the big boys and play any course, you need a bag full of hand selected clubs. Big Drivers for lakes and rivers, as the fairway turns or you get into the rough you need a more maneuverable canoe, and when you have Hazards you need to get around you need a canoe with more rocker. Then you get to the Green, things slow down you need to get a close look at the subtleness shot.

Any Course, Any Where, there aren't enough canoe's out there.

I've used the golf argument many times! "So how many golf clubs do you have?". There's also the argument about canoes going up in value and being able to sell them for more than you paid...it only happened once for me but I can use the argument as much as I want.

I'm proud of being down to 7 essential canoes. This Spring I plan on paddling the few solos that I have never tried including Northstar Trillium and Swift Kee14 and Prospector 14. I really hope that I don't like them.
The only time they went up in value were the two I found in the dump and repaired them. I made more then it cost me to repair them.

I have diverse set of clubs; 18' Prescott W/C, 17' Wenonah Spirit II in Royalex, 17' Souris River Quetico in Kevlar, 16' Swift Prospector in Textreme Carbon Innegra, 15' solo Keewayden in Basalt Innegra. I might need a solo 14'r
My reason for having a lot of solos is that I like to have a canoe fitted to a certain purpose. When I find a better "tool" I buy it and sell the old. Yes they are beautiful and I miss all my past boats. My first canoe camp will be an adk lake trip with extra cold weather gear and clothes and no carrys. Currently, there is no canoe that I would rather take on this trip than my Colden Nomad. Others have different reasons to acquire canoes--different strokes for different folks.
"Collecting"? "Hoarding"? Gotta love the nuanced distinction! A favourite pre-emptive quote used to prepare the household for the next bout of boat-buying madness: "We're already into the ______ (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) week of April and I haven't even bought a canoe or kayak this spring! Doesn't feel quite right!" As for justifying yet another purchase of a sublimely unique hull, don't ignore Genesis 9/7: "go forth and multiply ..." It's particularly effective because it helps mitigate the impact of compulsive boat acquisition by implying impressive knowledge of actual details in the old testament. It links boat-buying to "duty". For an all-too-brief moment it makes the boat-hoarder seem holier than the mere "one-boat's-enough" secular kind of paddler.
Hoarding. You intend to use it. You never do
Collecting. Boat gets used. It may be annually
Hoarding. You cannot find the boat
Hoarding. You have multiple copies of same boat, and no one to paddle them simultaneously.

Other than that....it's all just filling niches. There's a lot of wiggle room in the definition of "niche". :D
I justify the accumulation ( as distinct from collection) of numerous canoes by claiming to be a half way house for boats that have lost their way and need a new chance at life. This usually requires a lot of love on our part with total rebuilds, The ultimate goal though is to pass them along to others for a fraction of what a professional restorer would cost. I tell myself, and anyone who cares to listen, that I can paddle them in the meantime to get a feel for them and experience different hulls, and in some cases a part of history. Almost like a reenactor.

This of course is total bull crap as I hardly ever paddle any of them. They sit for years in a state of disrepair and then as soon as they are done they are for sale and gone so we can finance the next one. I mostly enjoy the wheeling and dealing. The hunt for new gems. And I do find some in the oddest places. I believe we are the only Morris owners this far west, certainly in Canada at least. We wont even go into the Pecaco. That is a unicorn. Chestnuts, Petes, Canadians, and a plethora of Hurons.. Which I happen to like. My own ride is the beloved 15 foot Huron.

In the same vein as my assertion that " if you dont eat you cant stay fat " I can be heard to use the justification of ....It;s only one more, we are going to sell it anyway. I am not getting thinner and we have not sold a boat in ages.

I am Christine and I have wood canvas canoes.