• Happy Birthday, Annette Funicello (1942-2013)! 🐭🍍🩱

The Old Town takes a hit!

Ha ha, where the heck did you find that? Your google-fu is strong! I sort of remember writing it, every word of it true. But it sure got me through a lot of tough spots, plus when someone wants to borrow a canoe, it was the loaner, never worried. So if the snow ever goes, I'll see what my welder friend can do.
Lol, yes, I was just trying to make light of an awful situation.. we used to have the block heaters in all our cars too. Growing up in northern NY, -30plus Frankenstein , those old carbuerated cars wouldn't start without it. Haven't seen the need over the past 15 or 20 years though. Warmer temps plus fuel injection.

Before digital photography and web postings, the guy plowing our driveway tore up our 14' aluminum row boat "the yacht" beyond repair. After that incident, we always rushed home on the first "plowable" snowfall of the season to double check that nothing was laying anywhere near the driveway!

I'm worried for Mem. It all depends on how decorously the snow melts
He might need that Old Town to scoop out the house
What comes goes and if its too fast...
Ha ha, where the heck did you find that? Your google-fu is strong!

I was staking the wild Memaquay, but quickly gave up when confronted by a photo of some pale white-boy exposed skin.

Googled “Old Town Kineo”, trying to remember what poly the Kineo was, and if it was a re-badging of some Disco. I found neither answer, but that review is the first thing that popped up.
IMO the Kineo is nothing more than a renamed Disco 158. There is almost no difference in weight and build. A good friend who owns a livery bought some for the business. We compared the Hogged Backed Saint to his brandy new Kineo and they are identical, maybe his was a bit longer. Even in dire straits it bounds back from what seems to be catastrophic conditions, That is a story all in its own. After we got his Kineo unstuck a few days under the sun "popped" it back into shape and the only scar was from the winch cable cutting into the carry handle! Heavy, ugly, prone to oil canning but one tough SOB and I probably have 8-9 thousand miles on my Diso. No wonder my back hurts!

I believe mine was actually 16 9, which would make it the same as the bigger disco. I was told it was the same canoe as the disco. It was my work canoe for several summers when I was clearing ports for a summer gig. If anyone knows Diablo port, I actually carried it up that miserable goat track, back when I still owned my Man Card. I couldn't wreck that canoe either, plus I let the kids use it on several Outers trips. One year I actually ended up soloing it for seven or eight days, but again, that was back in the Man Card days. It never once threw me out in white water, and it got me safely down the Drowning River one year, at very high water levels, when I found out why the Drowning had earned such a name. I dragged it fully loaded across land sometimes, and even used it for the inspired "land Launch", where you load your canoe on a steep incline, then jump in and bump down into the water.

I love my poor beat up oil can, and will try to restore it, if it survives the ten feet of snow it is currently buried under.
To be perfectly honest I thought those were Old Town intestinal guts spilled all over the ground and not an extension cord. Sure looked like road kill to me.
Bringing this old thing back to life could be a miraculous Frankenstein experiment well worth the effort, and worthy of a repair report.
Nice August project, keep us posted. Take care Rob, take all things slow, and don't hurry this.

Do the Geraldton villagers own pitchforks and torches?
OMG Mem. no wonder you are done and your man card expired
With That
dont worry about a possible afterlife in heck. Youve been there
I believe mine was actually 16 9, which would make it the same as the bigger disco. I was told it was the same canoe as the disco.

A Discovery 169, that was a beast. Speced at 85 lbs and OT’s poly boats often weighed in heavier in real life.

Crosslink3 poly sandwich; outer Crosslink layer, foam, inner linear layer.
Well, I also one timed a 17' whitewater grumman over diablo in about 45 minutes. With the several extra pounds of sand and dirt in it, it was probably over 90 pounds. Strangely enough, that canoe belonged to a John, much like the John character in P.P.'s Nahanni narrative, only far worse. Even when after I finished porting it all the way, he still b*tched at me about our choice of tent sites that night.