My memory has always been poor. Although at times it comes in handy (last time I remember I was 40 years old so let's just go with that) but mostly it's a complete pain in the whatever. I have however forgotten very few gear items on canoe trips. Remarkable perhaps or just plain lucky. In any case I blew my perfect record last year forgetting our maps. Maybe it was a change in plans that threw me off. For the first time I came prepared with a Plan A and a Plan B. I don't know why I did that; indecisive as to which would be funner? I don't know. Anyway we had two different routes leaving from the same put-in. Pretty clever eh? Not so clever being 3 hours into Plan A looking down at a map case containing maps for Plan B. She was perturbed until I reassured her that we couldn't really get lost given that the chain of lakes we were lollygagging through only had single ports through. It was an allez-retour route, one way in and one way return. We still had 2 compasses as well as my nearly infallible memory of the countless hours I'd spent daydream planning the trip. Well, at least we had compasses.