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Takedown Skillet

I'll trade you my access for your access any day. That would be consignment shops for wilderness. I guess we can't have it all.
If the skillet doesn't have rivets, I will just hacksaw off the existing handle, rivet/weld on a square socket. In camp I could then whittle a sapling of the most practical length for use. This idea has been around a long time as I have read about it in E. Kreps old book CAMP and TRAIL METHODS.

I received my copy of Camp and Trail Methods today, published by the same folks who published Canadian Wilds, A.R. Harding Company. It's a small 4x6 inch book just like Canadian Wilds, makes for a good read for those like me who like to save weight and only read when wind bound or rainy lay-over day on a trip. Good old time tested ideas that are still relevant today imo.
Thanks for the heads up.
I'll trade you my access for your access any day. That would be consignment shops for wilderness. I guess we can't have it all.

Sorry, I'll keep the "little" I have, but you are welcome to visit... And bring a cold handle pan for a good bed and a warm shower!!
While out in my shed digging through my gear looking for the carbon steel Lodge frying pan, I found my Muurikka steel pans. I have two, the smaller is the one in the link. One of my Swedish friends gave it to me as a gift a couple of years ago. It works great, while cooking for just myself. It is small, maybe nine inches in diameter. The larger one is 48 cm has three legs, sits in the fire, it is dished like a shallow wok. It too works nicely, my only problem with it is the fact that my hotcakes tend to slide down hill a bit, so they don't turn out nice and round like I like them to look. If you want to see the larger size just google Muurikka. This is a Finnish company so getting them across the salty pond is a problem. I brought the big one back in my pack sack when I visited Northern Sweden a few years ago. They are steel, need to be seasoned like cast iron and will most likely rust up a storm if not taken care of.
I may have to look at that a little more closely...

I took a folding handle off a Coleman non stick frying pan had had lost its 'non-stick'edness and riveted it to a Paderno carbon steel pan, and it works well enough for now.
Well, the original link is down...

I'm trying to figure out what should be in my kit. I'm rather nervous about trying non-stick over a fire, as my brother and I just managed to ruin our second on a normal stove-top.

Those Banks Fry-bake pans look interesting, though. Still a bit steep for me, but I'm picky that way. Gotta love a company that says "If the bottom warps, step on it."
Well, the original link is down...

I'm trying to figure out what should be in my kit. I'm rather nervous about trying non-stick over a fire, as my brother and I just managed to ruin our second on a normal stove-top.

Those Banks Fry-bake pans look interesting, though. Still a bit steep for me, but I'm picky that way. Gotta love a company that says "If the bottom warps, step on it."

Get a factory second, you will not see the difference, and it will be the best pan you'll ever buy! I have no affiliation with fry bake, in fact I never bought a pan from them, the one I bought I got them used!!

One place to look for is at the NOLS sale they usually host once or twice a year in the area they operate. We have one chapter that run courses up here so they have a warehouse and a sale every end of summer!! Some stuff is beat up and some is good but all is cheap!
Muurikka frying pan without a handle, hoo boy, I like the look of it. 17.5 ozs is light for cast iron/carbon steel frying for one.
If you're still searching for a frying pan you might want to look at some of the 18th century re-enacting suppliers. You can find fry pans with sockets for making your own handle from a stick when you arrive on site. There are also some historically inappropriate, yet fine for our needs, folding fry pans. Check out merchants like Turkey Foote Traders, Crazy Crow, Smoke & Fire and JAS Townsend. You might find exactly what you're looking for.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

I'll have to try that next year, thanks for sharing.

I like the way he talks about it saving weight but then has all those fancy ripper pulls on his pack