Swift Keewaydin 17 tandem canoe for sale with 4 wheel cart $ 1100
Red Swift Keewaydin 17 tandem canoe with black anodized aluminum trim, cherry seats ( adjustable front seat and foot pegs for rear seat).
Canoe Cart 4 Wheel Dolly to Transport Canoe with Four Wheels which allows flipping the canoe for easy loading on vehicle upside down.
Additional photos available per request
Daytona beach Florida area.

Red Swift Keewaydin 17 tandem canoe with black anodized aluminum trim, cherry seats ( adjustable front seat and foot pegs for rear seat).
Canoe Cart 4 Wheel Dolly to Transport Canoe with Four Wheels which allows flipping the canoe for easy loading on vehicle upside down.
Additional photos available per request
Daytona beach Florida area.