• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Stay safe in this big storm ...

Heading out tomorrow (Friday) for a weekend trip, snow called for, rain called for, heavy snow, light snow, low wind, high winds ..... should be interesting night tomorrow

~5" of snow by the time I went to bed last night, but it changed to a heavy steady drizzle not long after. Gonna be some tough shoveling today. Might just wait for it to freeze and then sand the heck out of everything.
Haha, I read this as sand like use abrasive paper and then realized you probably meant distribute sand for traction. We don't use much sand where I'm from, so it gave me a hilarious mental picture.
Snowing like mad here in South West Wisconsin. We are in the 8-12 inch of snow prediction range - with some locations in the area expecting more. The wind is picking up and advisories to stay off the roads are increasing, expecting blizzard - white out conditions today and tomorrow. This is less snow than Alagun has posted in Alaska by a good bit, but more than most others who have posted here. We have lost power 3 times this week - no telling how much longer it will remain on today. Still, in the midst of these back to back to back storms I am so grateful we do not have sleety, torrential rains and flooding like many have posted. I may have to shovel my roof when it is all said and done, but that beats winter flooding by a long shot.

We've been lucky so far. We got a couple inches earlier in the week. Wind picked up last night but only a inch or so of snow so far. Supposed to snow and blow harder this afternoon so we'll see. Even if we don't get more snow the 40mph winds will turn this fluffy stuff we have into a real mess.

We're certainly back to seasonal temps with highs below 0 over the weekend and into next week.

Neither the dog or I are happy about this. Constant walks in the dark after work are bad enough. Walks in the dark, cold, and wind just ain't gonna happen.

Expecting 1-2 inches of rain tonight and tomorrow, with some winds. Normally a nothingburger, but this will be enough to flood everything again...there's nowhere for the water to go.

And the temps: 46, 39, 56, 21, 19...RI weather be throwing temps out there like the daily lottery numbers.
The lane to our house is 1.7 km (1 mile). Kathleen and I don’t have snow removal equipment, so must call the Rural Municipality. They will plow our lane when they are out plowing the grid roads. We called Wednesday morning, as 15-20 cm (6-10 inches) of snow was predicted. On top of an existing snow base, this was too deep for our car. The plow finally came this morning (Friday), and we will be off to town for supplies!


We need a new belt for our snow thrower, as the belt snapped trying to throw the deep snow.

Here is Kathleen, levelling off the remaining snow blocking our car’s path to the lane. Our smaller, backup snow thrower should be able to handle it.



After a mild winter, the temperature this morning was -30 C (-22 F).
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Well, not exactly a storm, but.... Messes up my skiing! View attachment 139080

That is certainly cold. I was going to make a joke about their wind gauge being broken but I just checked our weather via Weather Underground and while the current weather conditions have blowing snow with strong winds that's certainly not what WU is showing; so maybe their gauge really is broken. :D


Agreed! I sometimes forget how blessed we are to have our house tucked behind a large ridge that blocks us from the North West wind. I was telling my wife, I think this weather is much ado about nothing, it is barely snowing outside. Later, my neighbor texted he needed some assistance - he is my closest and lives about a 1/2 mile away. There is about 18 inches of snow on the ground as Jake and I humped it to his house. Once out of the protection of our timber and ridge system, visibility was a few hundred yards at best - at times much less than 100. It was what it must be like looking inside a ping pong ball. The snow and driving wind were ferocious.

Our temps are still moderate, mid 20's F. However, after this storm our temps, like most who have posted here, will plummet. Winter is really a spazz this year.

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Walked over a mile and a half to winter camp and back today to remove the snow load from the roof. Was not necessary as the slick tarp had the snow sliding off. That said, I am an idiot for not taking my snow shoes ... and am pretty tired from fighting through the snow. Definity will use them tomorrow!

shoulda worn snow shoes.jpg
My daughters live in Portland Oregon. It is currently about 14 degrees Fahrenheit with high winds snow and freezing rain. There are lots of trees down and power outages. Currently about 160,000 people without power. They both have been without power since early this morning and no indication when it will be restored.

Here in Yakima WA it is near 0 degrees. It was probably around -10 F when I left for work this morning. In my area, this is not that uncommon, but 14 in Portland Oregon is pretty extreme.

The girls are a little bit prepared, but not for an extended period with no power and cold weather. One has a woodstove with a small amount of wood, the other a Buddy Heater with a few small bottles of propane.