• Happy First Sighting of Manatees by Columbus (1493)! 💧🐘


Dang but winter just won't let go! I took these pics at or around my home ... it is pretty hill, I live at the top of a valley.




It's gonna be -25 with windchill tonight, -18 without, I swear I'm gonna kick Frosty the Snowman right in his snowballs, this lunacy has got to end!

I took them this morning. I am now sitting at my dinner table, with a cocktail and a fire in the stove, looking at maps for trips when this madness ends.

86F here today. I am trying to restore a 16' chestnut before it gets to hot. It is hard to imagine it is still that cold. Is it usually this cold in the middle of April?
Its whoop de doo season in the North.. Hot one day and cold the next.. Normal. Meanwhile we wait for the magic constant fifty degrees before taking old canoes outside for paint and filler and varnish. Watching paint dry in the spring in the North is a long event otherwise.
Every year is different. Some years, I may have been mowing by now. For this year, it has been very cold, it has been well below zero since November. It is still unseasonalby cold here, about 25 degrees below average For this month alone. Still, we have it better than Memaquay and other farther north. Still, I am ready for dryer, warmer weather ... My wood pile is pathetic.

Well I just went for a little boot on the sled and despite the big melt of the past week, the snow on Sunday followed by near enough-20C temps have made for good riding.

Despite this, I still predict a May 15th ice out here. I saw some ducks at the bridge, and while I know none of you know where that is, it is my indicator of ice out. The ducks show up first, then the seagulls about a week later. When they arrive it is exactly one month till Howey Bay is free of ice and the float planes begin flying again. When I hear that first float plane I know summer has officially arrived.
Woke up to a dusting of icing sugar all over, so decided to go for a walk at lunchtime.

This seemed a last gentle reminder of a not so gentle winter.
Speaking of spring; I woke up to about 3" of new snow this morning here in central NYS. Most of it is already gone since we're having a sunny day but winter isn't giving up just yet. Of course, this is pretty typical April weather for my neck of the woods so it's to be expected really.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...Be well.

Spring is here, all right. Snow the past couple of days in S. Wisconsin. Today it's blowin' stink. The rivers are rising. Must be spring.
My father-in law has property in North Western Wisconsin. They got about 14 inches of snow yesterday. Add that to the snow base of over 3 feet, Winter is still hanging on pretty strong.

Signs of spring are pretty late in RI, but have been slowly showing up. Redwing blackbirds are here. Wood frogs and spring peepers are calling. Daffodils are up. Our first rhododendron is no win bloom.

But we had a dusting of snow yesterday, and the wood stove is still eating a steady diet of firewood. Winter is hanging on. And given developing patterns in the jet stream, this could happen with more frequency over the years. Ugh.

No matter, I'll get some paddle therapy this weekend on a local river...at least all of the ice is gone.

After nearly completing the 4th pallet of logs to be made (eventually) into fire wood, I went for a paddle on a back water of the Wisconsin river.


I wish I had my camera with me, the river is SO high! I paddled up to a 5 foot berm that separates two backwaters ... it was under water with waves pouring over. I paddled in the timber ... places I used to hike, well away from the rivers channel. I loved the paddling in the timber, but man the current and the incredible high water are a little hard to take. That being said, it sure was nice to quit cutting wood and go for a paddle on a beautiful day.
