Here's a question; what is the ultimate sinfully good food item often left at home from a canoe trip that you miss the most?
Except real peanut butter?
Here's a question; what is the ultimate sinfully good food item often left at home from a canoe trip that you miss the most?
Ha!! I bought a 4 pack of Margaritas for the trip we did this week. But at the last minute I left them behind, rethinking my beverage choices. I opted for lemon water instead?! Can't believe I left those 4 lovelies in the fridge at home! Just when I'd forget all about my lime Margaritas my wife would say "Wouldn't a cold Margy go down nice right now?!" Sometimes she really pushes my buttons.The food item I miss on trips is a beverage, Margaritas. Wine or Jaegermeister seem to fill the void though.
We have a winner!ICE CREAM
So what's my prize?
I'm with you GP. I don't think there is a substitute for real ice cream on a trip without ice. I'm an ice cream lover too, over at the ice cream forum my user name is Halfgallon AlanAs an ice cream lover, I hardly consider powdered or freeze dried as true ice cream... where's the ice?
....over at the ice cream forum my user name is Halfgallon Alan.
I'm with you GP. I don't think there is a substitute for real ice cream on a trip without ice. I'm an ice cream lover too, over at the ice cream forum my user name is Halfgallon Alan.