• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Spar Urethane

The Helmsman is sort of thick but does not cover well. When thinned even a little it is watery and has really poor coverage. Epifanes can be thinned 1.1 and still produces a durable finish that goes on easy with one pass coverage. It also retains a better consistency to my mind when thinned. I do use Helmsman for initial coats on an old neglected canoe that is going to soak up most of what I put on, and for the outside of the hull before canvassing. Its cheaper and good enough.

I am a little pickier when it comes to varnish. I do mostly restorations and total repairs, not so much with new builds. This particular canoe has really been beating me up though and I am getting to the point that I just want it done and out of the shop.
Yes, I'm not thinking of wood applications, just on the hull of a stripper. All my wooden parts are pre-treated with epoxy too, so I'm sure that makes a difference.