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Source for small adhesive D-rings

Nov 14, 2018
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Heart of the Shawnee Nation
I’m having a bit of trouble finding some glue on d-rings small ones. Everything Ive found is too large. It occurred to me someone here might know a source.

Canadian, so high shipping cost, but northwater makes a variety of sizes/styles. I think rutabaga (and maybe others) carry at least some of their stuff in the US.
Rutabaga has them.

Canadian, so high shipping cost, but northwater makes a variety of sizes/styles. I think rutabaga (and maybe others) carry at least some of their stuff in the US.
Canadian, so high shipping cost, but northwater makes a variety of sizes/styles. I think rutabaga (and maybe others) carry at least some of their stuff in the US.
I recently ordered a batch of stuff from Mike Yee and thought the shipping rates reasonable. Just saying.
I’ve got a bunch of them somewhere. I only needed a few for outfitting the canoe last season. I think I got them on Amazon. An Amazon search turns up lots of them. Or perhaps I am not understanding what you are looking for?


The glue I think depended on the material of the canoe.