TL;DR - I'm trying to decide if I should keep my Rockstar or attempt to trade it out for something smaller.
As I'm starting to gear up for the season, I'm having a hard time deciding what to do about my solo canoe. I picked up a Bell Rockstar in kevlight a few years ago knowing that it's a "big boy" solo, but wanting something that I could load both of my small kids into and day paddle as well as solo trip. Shortly after, some circumstances changed significantly and I haven't had a lot of chance to paddle it, much less trip in it. (I went from homeschooling my kids to teaching full time if you're curious, we've done plenty of paddling in other canoes with their mom.) Because of this I never got around to installing a footbrace or any of the other outfitting I've been meaning to do.
This year my daughter is old enough to paddle a tandem with my wife so it looks like I will be paddling solo on our family trips until my son is big enough for a second tandem. Before I go putting the $$ and effort into outfitting this boat, I'm wondering if I would be better off trying to trade it out for for a smaller solo. I'm 5'9" and currently weigh north of 180, but my pre-covid weight is closer to 160 and I'll get back there over the summer. The width doesn't bother me, but it has a good bit of extra shear which I think is noticeable in the wind. I do like the way it handles as long as I have at least 40-50lbs of additional weight in it with me. (but it's normal for a tripping solo to be a bit twitchy unloaded, right?)
Are these boats desirable enough that I could likely trade it out for a Merlin II or Magic in similar condition? Am I over thinking this? I really don't have enough experience in different canoes to judge how much I would benefit from a smaller boat, but this thing certainly beats the hell out of paddling a tandem backwards.
As I'm starting to gear up for the season, I'm having a hard time deciding what to do about my solo canoe. I picked up a Bell Rockstar in kevlight a few years ago knowing that it's a "big boy" solo, but wanting something that I could load both of my small kids into and day paddle as well as solo trip. Shortly after, some circumstances changed significantly and I haven't had a lot of chance to paddle it, much less trip in it. (I went from homeschooling my kids to teaching full time if you're curious, we've done plenty of paddling in other canoes with their mom.) Because of this I never got around to installing a footbrace or any of the other outfitting I've been meaning to do.
This year my daughter is old enough to paddle a tandem with my wife so it looks like I will be paddling solo on our family trips until my son is big enough for a second tandem. Before I go putting the $$ and effort into outfitting this boat, I'm wondering if I would be better off trying to trade it out for for a smaller solo. I'm 5'9" and currently weigh north of 180, but my pre-covid weight is closer to 160 and I'll get back there over the summer. The width doesn't bother me, but it has a good bit of extra shear which I think is noticeable in the wind. I do like the way it handles as long as I have at least 40-50lbs of additional weight in it with me. (but it's normal for a tripping solo to be a bit twitchy unloaded, right?)
Are these boats desirable enough that I could likely trade it out for a Merlin II or Magic in similar condition? Am I over thinking this? I really don't have enough experience in different canoes to judge how much I would benefit from a smaller boat, but this thing certainly beats the hell out of paddling a tandem backwards.