I’ve never done a week long canoe trip. I’d love to! I take great enjoyment out of canoeing with others, as in other self sufficient folks. As Glenn noted, if you want to go at all sometimes you just gotta go by yourself. I agree you need to have a different frame of mind about some things though, when help is far away or no comms are available. Having never shared a tandem canoe with a really competent paddler I’d rather be in a solo boat and “solo together”.
The Econfina daytrip last weekend was interesting from this perspective. I supplied a solo canoe and paddles to my friend (he’s a kayaker) but he’s otherwise self sufficient. Since I loaded both boats on my truck, we rode together. He was so thrilled not having to be the “guide” on this trip! He’s usually a paddling instigator and planner but on this trip he didn’t have to do anything. He slipped me a $20 for gas which turned out to be almost exactly his share based on what we used for the drive. Then I gave him the canoe
The Econfina daytrip last weekend was interesting from this perspective. I supplied a solo canoe and paddles to my friend (he’s a kayaker) but he’s otherwise self sufficient. Since I loaded both boats on my truck, we rode together. He was so thrilled not having to be the “guide” on this trip! He’s usually a paddling instigator and planner but on this trip he didn’t have to do anything. He slipped me a $20 for gas which turned out to be almost exactly his share based on what we used for the drive. Then I gave him the canoe