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Snowshoe Care

I think it's really important to dry them out after each use in a warm space. Once dry, store wherever.

I snowshoe a lot. My favorite shoes have ash frames, deer hide lacing and no varnish. The above practice works well for me.
Rawhide and to a lesser degree its substitutes stretch when wet. Like RickR said, they should dry out. I varnish mine to minimize the chance they get soaked. After that you can store them in a dry place - cold or warm.
In season I typically knock off any snow that might be on my snowshoes and then hang them back up in my pole barn until their next use. I have a variety of styles of snowshoe but the ones I use the most are wood framed. My bearpaw shoes have rawhide lacing and my Ojibway shoes are nylon laced. Both pair have been varnished not only to keep the rawhide from absorbing moisture when I hit a slushy patch but also to keep the squirrels, mice and other small critters from munching on them. I've been doing it like this since I was in college (I'm almost 69 now) and it's worked for me so I'll keep on keeping on like this

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

If it is cold out, just leave them in the cold. If it is warm and dampish when you are snowshoeing, bring them in and dry them out. Mine always stay in the cold garage or the bow of my truck.
After you have cleaned and dried them, it wouild be best to store them cold if you are going to wear them soon again. if they are next worn when warm, then they will melt the snow as you walk in them and it may then freeze in icy clumps clinging on your shoes.
Yes, mine get varnish at season's end, usually. I will be sure to put them out after they dry. Good point about them being warm and getting clogged easier.

Thanks to whomever moved the topic to the appropriate forum.
Thanks to whomever moved the topic to the appropriate forum.

Whomever does this occasionally, but usually checks a box that notifies the thread starter of the action and reason. He must have failed to do so in this case.

After doing so, I decided to change the name of this forum. It had long been called "Winter Camping". While this topic has nothing to do with canoeing, it has been a favorite hobby of prominent members and former administrators, and hence has become a fixture that I easily decided to retain. However, I noticed the winter hobbies were more than just about tents and stoves, but also included discussions of snowshoeing and snow garments. Having in mind that Hoop's once popular site Wintertrekking has been defunct for years, I yesterday renamed this forum . . .

"Winter Camping and Trekking"