I drove a front wheel drive caravan all over the US and Canada before finally getting rid of it this year. Looking back I can't believe some of the roads it traveled down and still made it back out, though admittedly more than once it took some scooping and pushing. The most nervous I ever got was driving it in Gila Box in Arizona. I was about 15 miles down what I'd guess you'd call a road through the desert when I started down a one track trail into a small canyon. The road was nothing but rock and it soon got quite steep. There was no place to turn around and considering the drop-off to one side I wasn't thrilled about trying to backup. So I just kept going down and down wondering how long it would take someone to pass by or how long it would take me to walk out and what supplies I'd load up in the pack. Also wondering how expensive it was going to be to get someone out there to pull me back up.
Near the bottom was an open gate with an area I could pull off and turn around. I stopped there and walked the rest of the way down to see what I'd gone to all the trouble for. Beautiful area with a nice clear creek running through and lots of cottonwoods. When I got to the van I crossed my fingers, put it in 1st gear, and that old girl just walked right up out of that canyon. Never been more proud of her.
Like others have said most people underestimate what you can do with a 2wd, though they certainly do have there limitations, ground clearance being one of them. You need to drive smart and take it slow. I like Canotrouge's idea of driving in in 2WD and only using 4WD to get yourself out of a jam. I don't know if I could show that much restraint though.
Glad you two made it out of your adventure in one piece. Great story to tell.