Snow cover in the Lower 48 is at record levels as November starts
Since this WaPo article is likely paywall, I'll quote the beginning:
"The season’s first snows have frosted the Rocky Mountains, the northern Plains, the Great Lakes and northern New England over the past week, resulting in the most extensive early-November snow cover in at least two decades.
"On Wednesday morning, snow was on the ground in 17.9 percent of the Lower 48, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
"Locations from eastern Minnesota to western New York saw snow on Halloween — even enough to shovel in Minneapolis; Milwaukee; Muskegon, Mich.; and Buffalo. Areas downwind of Lakes Erie and Ontario were also blanketed early Wednesday, including Cleveland and Akron, Ohio, while several inches were anticipated along some of the west-facing slopes of the Appalachian Mountains."

No snow in northwest Connecticut. Nighttime temps have been touching the freeze mark, but daytimes are supposed to go up to to the 50s and even 60s over the next week. Good!!! The price of heating oil is crippling for fixed incomers, though not as astronomical as last year.