I want the retirement plan you're imagining. It's more like, "You're retired you can take care of this and this."
And this and this and that. I recently endured the week from hell of unexpected emergencies and demands.
The pressure regulator on the well water reservoir went south. Turn on any faucet, shower or flush a toilet and the supply water would run. . . . .stop. . . . and then gush at great force.
Blew out a hose bib pipe inside the block foundation, and worse a rusted shower feed inside the bathroom wall. Water suddenly began gushing out of a recessed speaker in the downstairs ceiling. Tapped new threads in the pipe behind the wall, ran the shower, still effing leaked. Chiseled out some tile and sheetrock and put in all new pipe. That entire ordeal was a weeklong fix; new pipe, bathroom tile (couldn’t find tile in a matching color), grout, sheetrock, ceiling white and etc.
The Taco had a rear pinion seal start leaking. I put a half million miles on two previous Toyota trucks, never had that happen. The Tacoma has been on a lot of really bad dirt road, so. . . . .
The Toyota dealer quoted me $146 (for a $50 job at an independent mechanic). After some back and forth about the power train warranty (see “seals” ahole) they grudgingly admitted that it should be covered. effing dealers.
My son drove me down to drop off the Taco last Friday. On the way home his ancient rust bucket of a CR-V (oil pan rusted out last month) started to make the most hideous whumpf-whumpf-whunpf noise imaginable*. I wasn’t sure we would make it home. He was due to start a new job 30 miles away on the following Monday.
I got the lawn tractor out to cut the grass. The steering gear is missing so many teeth it will only turn left, which is tough to remember when you are headed toward some immovable object, turning click-click-click right and saying OH crap! before remembering to hit the brake and reverse.
I got a notice for Jury Duty. Again, like clockwork, every couple years. I really should commit a felony soon.
I think I have finally turned the karma corner, but for a week I felt my best course of action was to curl up in a semi-fetal position and not touch anything.
*Any guesses on the gawd awful hideous CR-V noise? Much worse when coasting, not as bad when accelerating or on the brakes. The local independent first-name-basis mechanic fixed it no charge, and it was a new one for me.
I’ll give you a hint – aluminum alloy wheels.