• Happy First Use of Insulin to Treat Diabetes (1922)! ⚕️💉



It's rough out there, folks, really rough.
I got up this morning …. put on a shirt and a button fell off.
I picked up my briefcase and the handle came off.
Now I’m afraid to go to the bathroom.

My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday.

I went to see my doctor.
Doctor, every morning when I get up and look in the mirror… I feel like throwing up.
What’s wrong with me?
He said… I don’t know but your eyesight is perfect.

Once when I was lost….. I saw a policeman and asked him to help me find my parents.
I said to him …. do you think we’ll ever find them?
He said .. I don’t know kid …. there are so many place they can hide.
if this thread is any indication I'd say there is some truth that winter depression psychosis stuff. :)

very funny thread, thx mem
HA!! Good way to wake up this morning, thanks Frozen. (Now I'm afraid to go to the bathroom.)
Looking forward to the stern work mem. Just wondering if you'll be fully self-sustainable out there in the workshop, if the shop becomes encased in ice? Might be a long wait till spring, but you'll get lots done.
We all know how opposites attract, and there's a strong woman behind every man, or something like that, but it was time for you to let Her Gaga-ness go. Ya couldn't carry her forever. And I just can't see her fitting in to the Flaming Igloos; she'd be your Yoko Ono of Gtown. Can't have that. That Gaga groupie would just tear things down. Just let her gooooooo.
Good luck with the build, and keep us posted.
BTW You wouldn't have her number handy would you?
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Holy Snake Sheet! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY ever look at that Yoko ono video Bead posted. Almost threw up my neopolitan ice cream bar. Gaga could never be a yoko ono, unless her head fell off or sumpin. Anyway, got quite a few strips done today, will be able to start construction tomorrow because......(wait for it) the PD day I was supposed to attend tomorrow that was 200 miles away is cancelled! So no kids at school tomorrow too! I don't know what all of thid good fortune means, but I'm sure it isn't good. Prepare for the worst people, Winter is Coming, and it smells like Zombies!
I just read this whole thread.

Now I'm wondering why.

Well, I suppose I've done dopier things at 3 am. Before 1989. But I remember darn few of them.

I suppose I should be honored to have been part of an option in the OP. That's the thanks I get for helping Mr. Quay spend his money on edged tools and offering up acronyms, gratis.

As for those tomatoes, you could spend the day slicing them birch bark thin with your priceless Mora bushcraft knife or, when more titillated, smashing the gaga out of them with your medieval German axe.
Don't think Glenn is feeling the love for this thread. Maybe he doesn't remember the snow days of his youth, or the magic of missing his bus. (See what I did there?) Wait a minute. Isn't retirement like having a snow day every day? Maybe the old codger has just gotten spoiled with his luxury lifestyle; phone perpetually off the hook, shiny newish Merc all dolled up and ready for the buttery leathered commute to the put in, where he'll slide one of his luxury hulls smoothly into clean and tepid waters. Same old same old carefree days, day after day after...Oooorrr we could all draw straws to see which one of us could drive on over to Glenn's place to cheer him up?! Take a few troubles to him and readjust his outlook on life? Put a dint in the tint of those hippy rose coloured glasses?
Waddaya say?!
I want the retirement plan you're imagining. It's more like, "You're retired you can take care of this and this."
It's more likely that Glenn failed in a sarcasm attempt.
However I would like to see you in a 1948 Mercury with coon tail from the rear view mirror.. or was that dice? Or a Corvette.. How is your elderly van doing ? ( that is the reality check.. we have lots of time.. no money and no go go girls)
I want the retirement plan you're imagining. It's more like, "You're retired you can take care of this and this."

And this and this and that. I recently endured the week from hell of unexpected emergencies and demands.

The pressure regulator on the well water reservoir went south. Turn on any faucet, shower or flush a toilet and the supply water would run. . . . .stop. . . . and then gush at great force.

Blew out a hose bib pipe inside the block foundation, and worse a rusted shower feed inside the bathroom wall. Water suddenly began gushing out of a recessed speaker in the downstairs ceiling. Tapped new threads in the pipe behind the wall, ran the shower, still effing leaked. Chiseled out some tile and sheetrock and put in all new pipe. That entire ordeal was a weeklong fix; new pipe, bathroom tile (couldn’t find tile in a matching color), grout, sheetrock, ceiling white and etc.

The Taco had a rear pinion seal start leaking. I put a half million miles on two previous Toyota trucks, never had that happen. The Tacoma has been on a lot of really bad dirt road, so. . . . .

The Toyota dealer quoted me $146 (for a $50 job at an independent mechanic). After some back and forth about the power train warranty (see “seals” ahole) they grudgingly admitted that it should be covered. effing dealers.

My son drove me down to drop off the Taco last Friday. On the way home his ancient rust bucket of a CR-V (oil pan rusted out last month) started to make the most hideous whumpf-whumpf-whunpf noise imaginable*. I wasn’t sure we would make it home. He was due to start a new job 30 miles away on the following Monday.

I got the lawn tractor out to cut the grass. The steering gear is missing so many teeth it will only turn left, which is tough to remember when you are headed toward some immovable object, turning click-click-click right and saying OH crap! before remembering to hit the brake and reverse.

I got a notice for Jury Duty. Again, like clockwork, every couple years. I really should commit a felony soon.

I think I have finally turned the karma corner, but for a week I felt my best course of action was to curl up in a semi-fetal position and not touch anything.

*Any guesses on the gawd awful hideous CR-V noise? Much worse when coasting, not as bad when accelerating or on the brakes. The local independent first-name-basis mechanic fixed it no charge, and it was a new one for me.

I’ll give you a hint – aluminum alloy wheels.
*Any guesses on the gawd awful hideous CR-V noise? Much worse when coasting, not as bad when accelerating or on the brakes. The local independent first-name-basis mechanic fixed it no charge, and it was a new one for me.

I’ll give you a hint – aluminum alloy wheels.

After the description, and especially the text I put in bold, I didn't need the hint.

Well, didn't have to come to school today until 12:30, something about getting the ice shovelled out of the doorways and stuff. Must have been a lawsuit somewhere, we've never had such gentle handling in the past. Anyway, bought a new stapler in preparation to start stripping, but dang, actually had some work to do. Plus I need a new belt sander.

Well, Ferris Beuller's day off saga has come to a close, it will probably be another 25 years before something like this happens again. I'm going home to drink beer and make pizza. Have a super weekend fellow canoetrippers!
After the description, and especially the text I put in bold, I didn't need the hint.

I expect that Alan has this one nailed, but for anyone wondering, the lugs on one wheel loosened up.

“Happens sometimes on aluminum alloy rims. We tightened all four wheels up, no charge”
Shop policy here is hand torque to factory specs, drive vehicle a couple miles, and then retorque. Even then it happens to us now and again. My dad's Jeep is awful. Twice he's had wheels loosen up over a month after they'd been removed.

Since we change wheels twice a year and I have had this happen on steel wheels due to rust build up on the contact surface on the back, I bought a torque wrench. $40 and a hundred ft pds for a whole bunch of peace of mind.