Well, for the first time that I can remember, our entire school board has shut down for the day due to freezing rain. No one is allowed in the school, not even teachers. Must be southern values migrating north, I've had to go to school before when it was -50 and I had to snow shoe to get there. So I'm at a loss as to what to do. Help me out people....
1. Should I get into my unheated garage before the power goes out and bead and cove my strips for the square stern? (-20 with wind chill)
2. Should I watch Netflix all day and gain another five pounds?
3. Should I start drinking Bud Lite and dance around the living room to Lady Gaga tunes?
4. Should I research nautical history and write a comprehensive reply about canoes with stern winds that will simply crush Mike and Glenn, leaving them to fumble through a J. Winter's books for a rebuttal?
5. Perhaps I should go out to my winter tent with my two wood burning stoves and fry up the last of the Spam from the Great Contest, film it and post it for those of you struggling with diets. P.S. the Jalapeno spam was not everything I though it would be, at least not at 2 AM in the morning after consuming the appropriate amount of liquid courage necessary to make one eat Jalapeno Spam.
6. Any other suggestions?
Yours truly,
Bored on a snow day
1. Should I get into my unheated garage before the power goes out and bead and cove my strips for the square stern? (-20 with wind chill)
2. Should I watch Netflix all day and gain another five pounds?
3. Should I start drinking Bud Lite and dance around the living room to Lady Gaga tunes?
4. Should I research nautical history and write a comprehensive reply about canoes with stern winds that will simply crush Mike and Glenn, leaving them to fumble through a J. Winter's books for a rebuttal?
5. Perhaps I should go out to my winter tent with my two wood burning stoves and fry up the last of the Spam from the Great Contest, film it and post it for those of you struggling with diets. P.S. the Jalapeno spam was not everything I though it would be, at least not at 2 AM in the morning after consuming the appropriate amount of liquid courage necessary to make one eat Jalapeno Spam.
6. Any other suggestions?
Yours truly,
Bored on a snow day