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"Sleigh riding" big swells in OC-6 outrigger canoes

Thanks for the video. The one time I was in Hawaii I was fortunate enough to hook up with a canoe club. I was given the privilege of using one of their solo outrigger canoes and spent some time surfing with the boat; although on nothing like what's shown in the video. Long story short, I had a wonderful day playing at the beach but there was one downside to the day. On my last surf in, as I go out of the outrigger, I stepped directly on a sea urchin. My foot burned & tingled the rest of the day. Oh well, it was still fun!

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Nice video, ive never seen this activity before. It looks like fun, although personaly i would were a life vest. Seat 1 seems like a wet ride, I'll volunteer!
You'll notice that the bow paddler will often be buried in water and spray. This can even happen to seats 2 and 3. Most outrigger paddlers use double bend paddles that can vary from 11° to 16°, although in a six person crew I assume all paddlers would use the same bend. The stern or steering paddler uses a bigger blade, usually with less of a bend, and is often performing an angled static rudder-pry on either side of the stern to steer.

Outrigger paddlers in races don't wear life vests. There are rescue power boats following or beside them in races. Actually, most outrigger paddlers in general don't wear vests. They wear an ankle leash connected to the hull. The hull is the "PFD".
My daughter was in a military family and when her husband was stationed in Guam for 3 years she joined the local outrigger canoe club. I remember going out with them on early morning practice sessions in the Philippine Sea. They never paddled in anything like the seas shown in the video. But I enjoyed it and we often were accompanied by dolphins. We always went out in the dark and watched the sun come up over the island. I was amazed by how fast we could get the boat moving.