I turned 65 in January. I have been pretty fortunate health-wise, although I could be in better shape. I get in better shape each year when I start spending time outdoors. I do day hikes in areas near me, including some sections of the AT, but they seem all second-rate to me compared to the places I go in the Adirondacks. Last year I started hammock camping and that solved all the problems I had with sleeping in the woods. All the soreness and stiffness is gone and I sleep better in my hammock than I do at home in my bed. Because of a situation with the cars in our family and who uses them, my opportunities to go canoe camping have become really limited. This has been frustrating and moved me to start backpacking again. I am fine with it, I have good equipment and have been able to get into and enjoy areas I couldnt get to with a canoe, but I do wish I could do more canoe camping. I am hoping to retire in a couple of years and my dream is to get a place closer to the Adirondacks so I can spend more time there. I don't know if this will happen, as my wife seems more inclined to stay around the area where we live or move south. Time will tell...