Huh, my intelligence is pretty artificial (fake?). I wonder why I didn't have the answers Alan provided?
Assuming Alan is not putting us on, I don't get how an AI program that does "not . . . have the capability to browse the internet or access current sources" can determine whether a phrase is "commonly used" or is "widely recognized" or is "used within the broader canoeing community"—or not.
In any event, the issue isn't whether "hit and switch" is the most common term, but where the heck did the term come from and what, specifically, does "hit" refer to.
So I went back and asked:I was kind of surprised by that too. I don't know much about Chat GPT and assumed it was mainly gathering and regurgitating info from online. I'm not sure where it got its 'intelligence.' Possibly from books and magazines or other digitized material?
Maybe I'll go back and ask it.
What a crock. Chat GPT is a joke if this is typical of it's responses. Just do a web search with "hit and switch" and you'll come up with all kinds of references that I consider mainstream and reliable.Ok, so I signed up for Chat GPT just to see. This is the initial answer:
"The term "hit and switch" is not commonly used in reference to the paddling technique you described.