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Site Announcement!

Dec 9, 2014
Reaction score
Penacook, NH on a back road
Hi All,

I have an important announcement to make concerning the site. For the last going on four years I have had the privilege of running this place, herding a bunch of mad but informed and gifted paddlers. Well, with the events of today things have changed for me and in a nutshell work is taking over and I am finding it harder and harder to devote the time needed to maintain the board. I could be long winded about this but will keep it short. I am stepping down as Administrator of the site and handing it on to another member.

For me in my role as Admin it is important to check many things daily and now it has become a challenge. My time is short and other things in life are demanding to the point where I realized I was doing an injustice to the board. A while back I had a member offer to take over the Admin position and we started talking. In our many conversations I realized this person would be a perfect fit for keeping the board up and going on a daily basis. He has the desire to keep us going, has a great sense of community, knows that everything that is posted is important and with the amount of information/experience shared here knows it is worth the efforts to keep us going. I have tremendous confidence in his ability to run this board as well as Robin and I have done. As well like Robin did for me when I took over I will be riding as co-pilot to help with the transition. Believe me it does not happen overnight as it is a learning curve that changes daily.

So with that said the new guy behind the curtain will be DaveO, As I said I know he will do a great job with keeping this community going so please welcome him to the new job like you all did for me years ago.

With that being said I will say that these last almost four years running this board have been some of my best days and honestly worst days. I am proud to have done this and feel privileged to have been part of keeping this community up and running. I feel like I have meet new friends although distances prevent a face to face meeting but none the less a friend. I know you all will most likely want to kick me in the teeth but I'll say it again but I only steer this ship, it is all of you and your contributions, your sharing and caring, your devotion to this site is what keeps us going over all these years. Because of all of you this time spent herding has been an honor! I will still post on the board and try to be a contributing member.

To end this I will say that DaveO, myself and the IT guy are currently working on creating an Archive section of the board where things will not scroll off like all the other topics. I have thought about this for a long while now and we are taking actions to pull it off and it will be a, IMO, big bonus to this board. Stay tuned!

Thank you all for being the true stewards of CanoeTripping!

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Sorry to have caused you your worst days Doug, and you've never done any injustice here. Far from it. Wishing you nothing but good ones in your semi-retirement. Thanks for all you've done.
Time marches on and it is time for you Doug. Dave has taken up the challenge and will carry on until he too must ride into the sunset. And Robin, he is just enjoying life again.
I am proud to have done this and feel privileged to have been part of keeping this community up and running.
it is all of you and your contributions, your sharing and caring, your devotion to this site is what keeps us going over all these years.

Doug, a shop-worn “Thank you for your service”. Your gentle hand on the tiller has continued to grow this community and, however divergent we may be, we are a community.

I have confidence that DaveO will continue in that tradition.
Doug, thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into the site. It is really fantastic to have this resource available. There are a limited number of things I choose to do every day, but checking this site is one that I truly enjoy.

Dave, thanks for taking the reins; I am sure you will carry on splendidly.
Thanks Doug ! Stay around, after doing such a sometimes Thankless job ! You deserve to sit back and ride the wave !

Thanks to Dave for taking over ! My Pledge will be not to cause TOO much trouble ! :rolleyes:

What a surprise, but after a re read, I totally understand. What’s that saying? Been there, done that? When it hits you, you know. When I knew it was time to move on, I was relieved and thankful that Doug contacted me and offered to take over. Great timing!
Doug, You have done a great job keeping the site running smoothly and I for one am very appreciative of your efforts. I’m glad that Dave is willing to step in and take over, for your sake and for the future of the site. Actually, great news when you think about it.
Thanks Again for what you have done for us.
Thanks Doug! This site is a treasure. Your hard work and steady hand have been greatly appreciated.

Welcome Dave, and a big Thank You for stepping up!

Your dedication and hard work at keeping this site working is estimable, few of us possess the skill set necessary to the task. You took hold of the reins and have done an exemplary job.
Enjoy your shop time and be careful with sharp tools.

Like most old people, I don't like change all that much. Guess change is inevitable, so I will be taking the long view.
Agreed Sweeper. Thanks Doug and thank you Dave for stepping up. I’m sure you will keep this wonderful rabble on the straight and narrow.

Thank you so much for your service, Doug, and a hearty welcome to Dave at the beginning of his tenure. This site has always been about voluntary community service and mutual self-support, and not about an owner and guests, and I hope it never changes.