• Happy Caesar Crosses the Rubicon (49 BC)! "alea iacta est" 🎲

Signs of Spring?

Saw some baby seals sunning on rocks right off the beach at the state park in Madison CT.

And the first triple engined monster off shore fishing center console being tested at the nearby boat launch. Springtime lunacy?!
I went paddling yesterday! No gloves all day! Spring is here!
Oops, also the wrong forum...
Two weeks ago my son and I zipped down to Virginia and back to pick up the 2015 Moto Guzzi V9 Stone he bought from IAAI. An insurance wreck with 203 miles on it!! Two dents on the tank and a missing reflector, that makes it a total loss!! BTW, it cost him 1/4 of its actual value plus gas for my Element.
Brake, clutch levers aren't even scratched...
Saw a kid on a skateboard on Sunday plus the geese are back in Winnipeg.

I could have done with another few weeks of winter to get another trip in to help justify the cost of my cotton tent but I really am looking forward to paddling again.
I went paddling yesterday! No gloves all day! Spring is here!
Looking for northern lights tonight. Missed them last night. They were fast. We've had many auroras this winter

You must live in Lala NH. We picked up two inches of snow today. Driveway is a McCrea Special. Wheeeee.............. Its back down to 22 F (-4 C)
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Today was my first time on the river, this year.
My heart was pumping as the current pulled my bow way from the bank at my shop. A sharp right, and I was downstream running. The wind was hard, and at times whistled between my ears.
A short trip, but a lot of fun packed into an hour. I've been hitting things pretty hard, and my soul needed a recharge.
As I pulled into my take out, down stream a few hundred yards, was 8 Trumpeter Swans. I pulled up and crawled out of the canoe. About that time they seemed agitated and took to the air. Surprised, they came up stream right past me. Honking, and in V- formation. That was SOO cool, as it was the first time for me.
Soul recharged !
A true sign of Spring !

Very cool Jim. The abnormally warm day had me getting out the calendar to plan some time off for a spring trip. Going to head up to the BWCA the first part of May.
More signs of spring today:

I haven't lit a fire in my wood stove in 3 days. Granted, it's only 60 degrees in my house, but still!
I left my house windows open this afternoon.
Left work and went directly to the lake for a walk without going home to bundle up in 18 layers of clothes first.
It was light outside when I started the walk.
It was still light outside when I finished the walk.
Lots of mud.
Song Sparrows, Fox Sparrows, and Rusty Blackbirds made their first appearances. The Song Sparrows will stick around for the summer, the others won't.
A few Chorus Frogs sluggishly calling behind the house after dark.

Very cool Jim. The abnormally warm day had me getting out the calendar to plan some time off for a spring trip. Going to head up to the BWCA the first part of May.

Going up solo ?

Time change for us this coming weekend so it will be light til about 7:30 pm, nice! Mind you, it will still be dark for my drive in until sometime in May, seeing as I leave for the city just after 5am. Saw one goose on the way home last night. Still have not seen a Robin, which would be the official bird of Spring up here. Although roadkill would be a sign as well.
I saw many migratory birds heading North yesterday while walking the dog. Saw an eagle circling very high up too. I am retiring in a matter of months and it is going to be a very good year.

Oops, also the wrong forum...
Two weeks ago my son and I zipped down to Virginia and back to pick up the 2015 Moto Guzzi V9 Stone he bought from IAAI. An insurance wreck with 203 miles on it!! Two dents on the tank and a missing reflector, that makes it a total loss!! BTW, it cost him 1/4 of its actual value plus gas for my Element.
Brake, clutch levers aren't even scratched...
Man, good deal on that, plenty of soul in that ride for sure! What's the other bike hiding behind the Guzz? Hard to tell w a wire wheel, fairly skinny tire, disc and a strut rather than a shock, first thought HD, but just curious as the pipe didn't fit with the rest of what I was seeing...
The Maples are budding. It's heading up toward 70 degrees today. And the old men are emerging from hibernation.

Yeah, some of the Maple branches are dripping here in Iowa. I always try and float by close enough for a taste of the sweet drippings.
