Yesterday, I had to take the day off to take our dog four hours down the road for specialty surgery. When looking at the map of Fenton, MI I noticed that it is one of these communities blessed with canoeing opportunities, so I decided to strap the MR Independence on my car to shorten the wait before the dog was released.

I put in at Strom Park at the mill pond in town and paddled upstream until the river got too shallow and swift to make upstream progress possible even with with 'paddle-poling'.
The mill pond quickly narrows and the flow becomes noticeable.

Large patches of milkweed and occasional Cardinal flowers grow among the silver maples and black oaks.

Two sandhill cranes allowed me within 25 feet.
Proof that "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade", if you needed any.
Shiawassee River Heritage Water Trail

I put in at Strom Park at the mill pond in town and paddled upstream until the river got too shallow and swift to make upstream progress possible even with with 'paddle-poling'.
The mill pond quickly narrows and the flow becomes noticeable.

Large patches of milkweed and occasional Cardinal flowers grow among the silver maples and black oaks.

Two sandhill cranes allowed me within 25 feet.
Proof that "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade", if you needed any.
Shiawassee River Heritage Water Trail