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Seat Webbing Color?

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Black it shall be. No issues really. It'll look just fine. Good that in-stock materials can be so readily at hand.
Good that in-stock materials can be so readily at hand.

I work on rebuilds and outfitting frequently enough that I try to keep the most commonly used/used up stuff well stocked, buying rolls of webbing when I see it on sale. Same for quality rope by the spool. If I ever find a source for higher quality bungee, woven sheath or with reflective tracer, I’d be tempted to buy a spool.

When I had a wholesale source for high quality stainless steel I bought dozens of every canoe-typical size machine screw, washer and nut. And went back several times for more. My local farm country hardware has a vast selection of quality stainless, but pricier. None the less, when I need four of some size I don’t have in stock, I buy eight or ten.

Having stuff pre-made, or at least started, helps a lot as well. I will want 10 webbing loops on the machine screw ends in the Indy and had very few left in shop stock. So I made 30 some. Same with a box of various seat drops and stashes of new ash thwarts and yokes; all pre-cut and routed, just need finish sanding, staining and varnishing.
garish . . . . garish

You could have garish sugar skulls on black. Just think, you would be the ONLY PERSON IN THE GALAXY to have such a canoe seat. It would be an historic statement of eccentric unicornicity -- like putting cheesy stickers on blue barrels or wearing a Victoria's Secret covid mask to greet the milkman.

It's therefore now a Fire boat. From Freeland, MD, it is of course a FreeFire.

Here is the Strapworks.com polyester seat webbing I recommended to Conk for his seats in Colden's (Flash, Wild and Star) Fire boats. I don't know that he or Paul Meyer have the requisite fire in the belly to use it, but a fired up Scotsman might for a FreeFire, especially when inflamed by requisite firewater.

Speaking of Paul Meyer, anybody know what is up with him? The website for Colden Canoe seems to be down, hopefully just for maintenance.
Speaking of Paul Meyer, anybody know what is up with him? The website for Colden Canoe seems to be down, hopefully just for maintenance.

Paul is trying to simplify, and in that, canoe building has never been his primary business he has decided to suspend the operations of Colden Canoe.
Was this you trick or treating on Halloween, Mike? I think I might have called the police if you showed up at my door.

Pete, no, I have worn that getup into every establishment where I am a regular. The beer delivery guy I encountered unloading his cart in the back of Case & Keg was a bit startled when I turned the corner.

The first time I donned that special mask was when the plumber, who is a friend, came to the house for some work. I usually walk out to greet him at his truck, but this time lurked in the house ‘til he knocked.

I threw the door open and just looked at him, and he was helpless with laughter.

Seriously, best couple bucks I ever spent on Amazon. I know keep it in my car, just in case I get stuck in traffic.

Old story. Many years I kept a pair of big-nose, fuzzy mustache “Groucho“ glasses and a cigar in the truck. If I got stuck in traffic I would put them on, fling the truck door open and duck walk around my truck Chinese fire drill style with my lab coat flapping in the wind.

Nothing since has worked as well to relieve my fellow commuters stuck-in-traffic angst.

I drove a route past an inner-city school bus stop on that route. I would put on the glasses and waggle my cigar at the school kids waiting there. It became a regular morning routine, and they would jump up and down and point at me as I crested the hill into sight.

Seriously, the little things just to put a smile on someone’s face are so worthwhile.
Originally posted by pblanc

Speaking of Paul Meyer, anybody know what is up with him? The website for Colden Canoe seems to be down . . . .

Paul is trying to simplify, and in that, canoe building has never been his primary business he has decided to suspend the operations of Colden Canoe.

That's a big loss to the open canoe community. Colden canoes are svelte, elegant, aesthetic performance canoes.