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Royalex Refurb

Sep 5, 2016
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Midcoast Maine
We have a 16' (~34.25" at the carrying yoke) Royalex "tripper" canoe from L.L. Bean. It has wood gunwales, thwarts and seats. The age is unknown--we are at least the third owner. We got it last year on the cheap off Craigs List, and after a couple good trips in it, we've decided we want to invest the time to refurbish it in order for it to have as long a life as possible with us. The first thing we'd like to do is fill some of the gauges and scrapes and then repaint. Several people have recommended PlasticWeld from JB Weld to fill gauges. Is this solid advice?

Next will be the job of replacing the wood gunwales, but we'll hold off until after boating season to tackle that one.

Thanks in advance!


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There was a long article somewhere on what pretty much amounted to gluing a Royalex hull back together. May have been part of the reference material when G-Flex was first introduced, but yes, sticks like snot to a blanket!

I'll see if our marine supply store carries it. Thanks!
Gunwales don't look too bad from the attached photo.

The starboard outwale has a significant repair right at the carrying yoke, and the port outwale is separated from the hull, and, at the very least will require taking it off, filling screw holes and tightening it up. The inwales are also a mess under both decks.


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G-Flex here too! Dont forget to touch the repair area with the torch first. (Dont make it hot, just run the blue flame over once) I guess it changes the chemical composition on the surface of the roalex and helps with adhesion. I've never tested without this step. I've never had a gflex repair delaminate either.

G-Flex for sure. I just repaired the soles of my Red Wing boots with it, great stuff. I have done a few Royalex repairs with it also.