In theory cats work for their keep, but in practice, at least in this house, they always sat looking offended whenever a mouse would scamper along the baseboard. I tried to renegotiate our rodent-cat-person relationship numerous times but to no avail. My house, my mouse, my problem. Crumpled foil, loose yarn, and cat toys however they'd find no end of energy to deal with, and often around 3 am, from one end of the house to the other. The mouse would come out from under the fridge to look on with disgust what was keeping him and the missus and their 50 kids up at that hour. Eventually I dealt with my mouse problem one at a time, the way Al did in the photo above. Peanut butter used as bait. Either I ran out of mice or they developed a peanut allergy, because I haven't found a victim in a trap in a few years. Coincidentally the 3 cats left our home for that better kitty cat place in the sky (I assume) round about the same time. Maybe the mice missed the company.
Aside from the occasional mouse in the open pack or chipmunk around the camp kitchen, we've not had much rodent company on trips.
Aside from the occasional mouse in the open pack or chipmunk around the camp kitchen, we've not had much rodent company on trips.