• Happy Birthday, René Descartes (1596-1650)! ℹ️💭➡️ℹ️ 🅰️Ⓜ️

Rocker Chair - REI. Good deal alert

A friend talked me into trying an "Alite Monarch Chair" last year & I *love it*! Body's starting to let me down about the same time I decide to get back into backpacking, stupid timing, but hey...! Stuffing a chair into my pack when I'm struggling to reduce partial ounces? Sounds like more than just the timing is stupid, but it's under a pound, slightly larger than a 1 ltr nalgene bottle, and you won't believe the difference between using this or sitting on a rock, stump, 1/2" pad or whatever. It's crazy/comfortable, and more than worth the extra weight & bulk. https://www.rei.com/product/846402/alite-monarch-butterfly-chair