I may store a Reflectix coozie or two inside that pot as well.
I do like the Reflectix cozie pouch for freeze dried meal rehydration, but it doesn’t fit inside the Zebrapot.

I do need a cozie for my uninsulated oatmeal and soup cup. That is a historic artifact of a 1988 cross country trip, still used mostly for sentimental reasons.

Well, not just sentimental reasons; my insulated Bodum coffee cup fits perfectly inside the Circle K cup.

That plastic coffee club mug doesn’t keep things hot for every long. It is tapered, so the cozie is going to be a weird shape. Better make a paper template first. And remember to make that template an inch or two longer than seems necessary; the edges of the thin paper will meet when wrapped around the cup, but the edges of the thicker Reflectix would come up short.

Weird shape, but the matching cozie taper is helpful; the cup only seats down in the Reflectix sleeve so far, so it can’t fall out and the cozie needs no bottom.

I slurp my soup, maybe I should cut out a lip sipping notch.
For folks who use pots and pans or do group meals insulated pot cozies are even easier to make. One hint for taping on a bottom circle, cut short pieces of the FlexFit tape shaped kinda |_/, flat on one side and angled on the other. Those tape pieces will wrap around the right angle side and bottom Reflectix and lay flush without wrinkling.
(Thanks to Joel for showing me that tape trick and how to make cozies)
Reflectix insulation
25 feet of it will cover every pot and pan you and your paddling friends own. I have made (or helped make) a dozen pot and pan cozies, several meal pouch cozies and some other little cup and bowl stuff and haven’t used even half that roll of Reflectix. That foil bubble insulation is sold as well in smaller sheets, but those are a PITA compared to using a roll.
Reflectix cozie making party, bring your pots. It helps to have a designated tape cutter to hand the Reflectix man pieces of tape as needed during assembly.
FlexFix tape
I doubt I will use 120 yards of that stuff in this lifetime and the next, but it is made to adhere to that Reflectix foil.