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Record high surface temps on Lake Ontario...

Oct 16, 2016
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Bancroft, Ontario, SE Algonquin
... with the remaining Great Lakes also warmer than normal.

Some great clouds over the lake during the summer, obscured now because of the smoke from forest fires on the west coast. Brilliant orange-red sun on the horizon setting yesterday, caused by smoke in the upper atmosphere. Did not have time to get to a good spot for pix.

The most staggering representation of these increased temperatures comes from Lake Ontario, which reached 76.928 degrees Fahrenheit on July 10. That is 9.72 degrees above the average temperature for July 10 from 1995 to 2020 and constitutes the warmest surface water temperature ever recorded on Lake Ontario, according to NOAA CoastWatch data.

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More noteworthy records. Hmmm. In the July timeframe Lake Michigan surface temps exceeded 80 degrees at local beaches and that caught my attention. Instead of feeling chilly and extremely refreshing 80+ is genuinely warm...and unusual.
Gumpus... yup, local beaches on the north shore of L Ont were HOT... scantily clad b*tches with yeehaw, let 'er go, crank it up to eleven bozos... cops looking on and doing nothing. Warm (er) water, too. Now there's a second virus wave coming on, you wait and see, they'll be sorry.

PS... further offshore the lake was mostly empty and the activity on shore confined to terrestrial interests only with very few venturing farther out...I have the photographs to prove it (of the near-empty lake, not the scantily clad b*tches).
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When I arrived at Pakwash Lake Camp on August 8th the surface temp was 83 F, bath water. The lake is between Ear Falls and Red Lake in NW Ontario.Average depth of 20 feet with deepest sounding of 56 ft.

The lake is 10 km long by 2 km wide and part of the Chikuni/English River system. The water was also down a couple feet.

Yep,,, way too much hot weather this year... went paddling in about 35C temps and taking a dip in the water didn't do any good, bathtub warm. The only way I could really cool off was to dive down below the thermocline into deep cold water and hang onto a rock for as long as I could hold my breath. Glad that the cooler fall weather is here.
Temperatures above average. "Normal" is difficult to define in meteorology. We have climatic and weather records that are mostly around 100 years old. We can look at tree ring data, glacial varves and ice cores as examples of changes in weather and climate. Around 1100 AD people were growing grapes in England. Is that normal? Not if you look a the weather averages for the last 100 years, but totally normal if you look at the long term climatic record.
No such thing as normal, well, except Normal, Illinois. Climate change has certainly affected weather here, higher summer temperatures, prolonged drought and when it does rain, we get it in inches. Nothing normal about this.
Frozentripper: Regarding your use of the phrase “scantily clad b*tches” in post #3 above, can’t we do better?

In our present coarse culture, the word “b*tch” does not carry the weight it once did, but it is not a wholly positive or necessary word to use either.
If true, we can look forward to much increased lake effect snow dropping on the traditional heavy snowfall regions east of Lake Ontario, Tug Hill and the western Adirondacks. Warm lake temperatures are the engine driving as much as 5 inches/hour of snow accumulation in narrow intense bands. I have just enough time to tune up the snowblower before the season starts.
If true, we can look forward to much increased lake effect snow dropping on the traditional heavy snowfall regions east of Lake Ontario, Tug Hill and the western Adirondacks. Warm lake temperatures are the engine driving as much as 5 inches/hour of snow accumulation in narrow intense bands. I have just enough time to tune up the snowblower before the season starts.

Yup, better get at it! I'm so happy that we convinced my mother to move out of Contantia a couple years ago. Ice fishing will be interesting on the lake again this year (if we have any at all). I have family in Pulaski and Sandy Creek. Snow City
Ppine, not entirely accurate, there have always been outliers, some of which have lasted decades or even a century such as the little ice age in Europe that lasted almost 500 years. the important thing is what is NORMAL, not what is unusual. pollen counts, dendrochronology (even from fossilized trees) and deep soil and ocean cores show that the climate has changed more worldwide in the last 100 years than in the previous 8 million
DaveO, the B-word (I'm not going to repeat it now) was meant to be humorous, since you hear that a lot if you walk along the beaches, esp in the Toronto area. Most aren't offended by it at the actual place, on the ground, but if some are, well, maybe they have no sense of humor or they just haven't seen enough to get it. OK, fine, that word will not come up again, my apologies for the tasteless humor.

PS... I could have included some pix which I imagine would have been much worse than the B-word. But I did not. Cheers.
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