• Happy Birthday, Gypsy Rose Lee (1911-70) & Elvis Presley (1935-77)!🌹👑

Random thoughts and cabin fever.

Funny to see this thread, because I am sitting here in pain/discomfort which I am blaming on my 57 years - some of which were a little hard on my frame. The family talked me into taking on this aerial obstacle course thing over in Boise ( http://teambuildingidaho.com/ ) Saturday evening. The vertical net traverse thing was a core-blaster. Then we went x-c skiing yesterday. The skiing actually loosened me up from the night before, thank God. But these things remind me why I gave up off-road motorbikes and packing large dead animals on my back.

Back to cabin fever....

All we got from this winter up 'til recently was bitter cold and grey. We just watched in envy as the midwest and east US got buried in snow (we are prepared for that here - really). Now we have some of the good stuff, and skiing is a go. That will help with the cabin fever for a bit - until it gets sloppy. But I was reminded on the way up to our trail yesterday, that Mores creek looks very "pole-able" in early spring (with drysuit) and I haven't tried that yet....
Sick of winter... this being my 5th in Manitoba, it is the first one that got me thinking of moving back to Southern Ontario. Unfortunately it is still February although we are at the tail end of the month. So far we have had 51 inches (130cm) of snow with more forecast for Thursday. This mild week, single digit minuses will give way to deep freeze again next weekend.

On the plus side, it is light now when I get home from work, my commute being 45 minutes and I get home around 6:15 everyday. Gaining 3-4 minutes a day of light, keeping track of this is how I get through Winter.

Physically, not sure what this year will be like. Still recovering from bicep tendonitis and rotator cuff issues in Both shoulder/arms.

Need to see if I can get the shop warm enough to start stripping the Tremblay we started working on last Autumn.

One day at a time...

Sad to say you lose to all the major Northeast US cities. Philly NY and Boston have over 51 inches and we are running double that. More tomorrow. Since we got home from Florida we have been working on snow clearing. After it comes off the roof its like cement.

Hope your shop is insulated. Ours is and with a kerosene Monitor heater its nice. But you do have to go out and preheat the room!
I'm sure for most of us the snow has been more than normal, here, if you follow the news report, the accumulation is 63% above normal with more on the way, and yet, they claim our flooding will be "normal".

Shop is insulated but heat by fire is out since stripping is done with a chemical stripper.