I usually carry a walking stick with an offset faceted head I bought from a native in Kwazulu Natal province. These "Knobkerries" are a fearsome weapon on men, dogs or other pests when on a walk. A lot like an Irish Balckthorne stick.
While living in SW Georgia, they had a wild pig problem. These hogs would get in to crops and root things up, dig up quail eggs on the quail hunting plantations and turkey eggs everywhere else, and make a mess in general. The males would get over 300 pounds and they could be very aggressive. One afternoon I was riding a mountain bike through some county bike trails and got a flat. I was walking the bike back to the car and a huge boar came barreling out of the brush right near me. At first I didn't realize what it was, but that distinctive shape and the grunts it made clicked my tired brain on fast. I must have surprised it sleeping, because it took half a second to orient toward me,,, and then it just charged. It all happened so fast, I put the bike in between us and braced as it hit the center of the frame and sent me spilling over. Now my adrenaline was up and I got to meet my feet fast as it turned for another run. I got around a pine tree and finally remembered I had my Ruger SP101.357 mag. The big boar was standing like he didn't know where I had gone, he probably had his bell rung hitting the steel frame of my bike so hard. I had a less than optimal shot as it swung around in the trail, and I did not want this brute wounded and mad running into someone else later. I took careful aim and fired two rounds into the sandy trail two feet in front of him, and that big brute took off through the brush away from me. I kept that pistol in my hand for the rest of the way to the car and loaded up. I didn't call any authorities as I was not injured, everyone knew wild boar were around the whole county, and I had fired my pistol within what may have been city limits.
Sure enough, that night I got a visit from the Leesburg County Sheriffs Department asking if I had been on the trail with a red mountain bike and if I had an encounter with a wild pig. I was perplexed as I hadn't told anyone about the incident and no one had come forward to help me if they had witnessed the attack. I was kind of cagy as I replied: "Yes, I was out on the bike path today, but I didn't see another soul. There were no cars at the parking area when I came or left. I did see a big boar running around the trail about half a mile from the parking lot." The lead deputy asked me: "Did you fire a gun at the boar?" I replied: "As I said, I saw no one out there and I don't know who would have told you such a story." He looked me dead in the eye and said: ' Fess up, the pig squealed..." That's my story and I'm sticking to it.