• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Questions about functions and terminology of the site software

It would be nice if "Today's Posts" appeared in the sort order indicated. I.e., if sort by = "date - last update" and order = "descending" then the post should appear in chronological order with the newest one first. What I see appears to be random ordering.

Fixed! Thanks!
What is driving me crazy is that old posts that I have clicked on and read still show in bold as though I have not read them. The "mark this channel read" button works on the forum heading but NOT ON THE INDIVIDUAL POSTS.
This is becoming increasingly frustrating to try post with the new format. I have a ht tp://www.canoetripping.net/forums/js/ckeditor/skin/moono/icons.png... that keeps freezing up my system when I am in the forum/trip reports as well as the mentioned ultra small text from previous still fubaring the reports. Feels like a frustration trying to participate as of late.
Despite un-ticking all boxes in my Notification User Section, I'm still getting messages i.e. subscription notices. Am I missing something? Also have the same issue described by Daveo4.
I'm still un-ticking boxes and still getting messages.
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This subscription problem might be with us for a while. We are working on something else right now and it all comes down to time and funds. We are moving forward, but it takes time and there are other priority's right now.

Please continue to share your concerns and site issues here, this has been a very helpful thread in getting the bugs worked out.
Another thing I noticed: If there are multiple pages of posts in a thread ( let's say 18 pages since I just found one like that), do you have to click on the "go to next page" arrow 18 times to see the latest post? Other forums seem to have a "Last" button or allow you to skip 4 or 5 pages at once. Some of our more interesting threads ( or are they CHANNELS now?) have a lot of pages.
Another thing I noticed: If there are multiple pages of posts in a thread ( let's say 18 pages since I just found one like that), do you have to click on the "go to next page" arrow 18 times to see the latest post? Other forums seem to have a "Last" button or allow you to skip 4 or 5 pages at once. Some of our more interesting threads ( or are they CHANNELS now?) have a lot of pages.

Dave, this software has two ways to skip ahead in that 18 page thread.

First, you can type in the page you want -- say, page 18 -- in the empty page box next to the arrows.

Second, press the "Filter" drop-down menu and go to the "Time" list. You can decide whether you want to see posts in the 18 page thread from All Time ( which seems to be the default), Today, Last Week, or Last Month. This is a little too sophisticated for my simple tastes, but it does avoid 18 page clicks.

Again, it's a shame that vBulletin doesn't provide a user level manual to describe basic functions. I can't believe site administrators want to be bothered with all these questions. They should bombard vBulletin with requests for a User Manual to be included in the rather substantial license fees.
There's still some sort of disconnect between "Online Users" on the home page and the "Who's Online" tab on the top of every page. Right now, for example, the home page tells me their are 23 guests and five members as "Online Users". However, the "Who's Online" tab only shows me. In fact, 95% of the time I click on "Who's Online" I only see myself. A few times I've seen another person besides me.

This is not an important issue to me at all. But I recall there was a similar phenomenon before the upgrade.