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Post Purchase On-line Surveys

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I once again ordered some painter line from Austin Canoe and Kayak, and once again received an e-mail Satisfaction Survey. Which I ignored, vaguely remembering something off-putting in the past about their survey. I do not usually fill out those questionnaires, but I like that company, and their phone representatives have always been helpful and product knowledgeable; if my feedback helps I’ll do my part.

The off-putting part was the Can’t-yet-submit conclusion, after completing the satisfaction survey, with come-on “discounts” and subscriptions to a bizarre range of non-paddling jizzwhack.

Since I am forgetful enough to repeatedly fill out that survey, all the way to the absurd WTF end, I took the time to separately e-mail Customer Service my survey thoughts.

Because I appreciate Austin C&K’s product availability and cost I (again) filled out the post-order e-mail survey. Seriously, I wouldn’t do that for most companies. I believe I have filled out that survey after every order. Again, I don’t mind. Or wouldn’t mind.

But, at the end of the survey(s) there is a series of “advertisement” come-ons for magazine subscriptions, cooking, dieting and health guides, freaking facelift clinics and wine. I needed the wine by the time I had read my copy of Entertainment Weekly, cooked a diet meal and pondered my health after the facelift. Had I clicked further I fully expected to find special deals on lingerie.

I don’t need any more magazines or dieting advice and am not yet saggy enough to require a face lift or man-bra and HEY YOU KIDS GET OFFA MY LAWN.

Seriously, those survey ad come-ons are absurdly scattershot for a paddling audience.

The C&K survey form has an entry for “nickname”. I have at least been consistent there; entering “Stinky” every time.

“Stinky, thank you for your response, at Austin Canoe and Kayak we strive to blahblahblah”

I do like their on-line selection and pricing. Between Austin C&K and the Top Kayaker site everything and anything is available, and both are quick to ship.