• Happy Caesar Crosses the Rubicon (49 BC)! "alea iacta est" 🎲


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Colrain MA
We paddled in Algonquin PP last week and the Pollen was amazing. It was EVERYWHERE!

It clogged the water filters after just a couple quarts, thankfully I had bought a pair of Sawyer filters that came with a 'Cleaning Plunger'.
I also had a MSR filter for the gravity feed system and it took all 3 filters to fill our bottles in the mornings.

Pollen on the Beach. This second pic there is 2" of pollen pile up.

It just sat on the top of the water until disturbed and then sank to the bottom.
Yep white pine pollen. Daily sweep of our deck
We even saw lots of it in the ocean.
Shore is full of pines and spruce
The funniest thing I saw
On Cape Cod
A white Mercedes convertible
White leather upholstery
All covered in yellow green pollen