17'2", 34 1/2" wide, no id stamping, no old name painted on it. 75lbs without seats, decks or a missing center thwart. Babiche seats, wood trim, V bottom 14" deep from floor to bottom of center thwart.
almost 14" here, but at missing center thwart it's 14", tie downs are same material as skid plates, look like road bike tires cut up? very tight to hull.
DIY skid plates? not great looking, appear to be solid,
34 1/2 " wide, outside of hull skin to outside of hull skin,
almost 14" here, but at missing center thwart it's 14", tie downs are same material as skid plates, look like road bike tires cut up? very tight to hull.
DIY skid plates? not great looking, appear to be solid,
34 1/2 " wide, outside of hull skin to outside of hull skin,